List of publications
- Schröcker, H-P. and Šír, Z. Three paths to rational curves with rational arc length. In Applied Mathematics and Computation, 478: 128842, 2024.
[ doi ] - Vráblíková, J.; Ortler, V.; Jüttler, B. and Šír, Z. Interpolation by polygon rolling motions for approximate sweep computation. In Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 447: 115891, 2024.
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- Jüttler, B.; Schicho, J. and Šír, Z. Apollonian de Casteljau–type algorithms for complex rational Bézier curves. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 107: 102254, 2023.
[ doi ] - Schröcker, H-P. and Šír, Z. Optimal interpolation with spatial rational Pythagorean hodograph curves. In Applied Mathematics and Computation, 458: 128214, 2023.
[ doi ] - Schröcker, H-P. and Šír, Z. Partial fraction decomposition for rational Pythagorean hodograph curves. In Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 428: 115196, 2023.
[ doi ] - Bizzarri, M.; Kadlec, K.; Lávička, M. and Šír, Z. B-spline Pythagorean hodograph curves in Clifford algebras. In Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 33: 9, 2023.
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- Kalkan, B.; Scharler, D. F.; Schröcker, H.-P. and Šír, Z. Rational Framing Motions and Spatial Rational Pythagorean Hodograph Curves. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 99: 102160, 2022.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z. Non-generic curves of given direction. In Proceedings of the Slovak-Czech conference on geometry and graphics 2020, pages 163-170, Plzeň, 2022.
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- Šír, Z. Classification of planar Pythagorean Hodograph curves. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 80: 101866, 2020.
[ doi ] - Farouki, R. T. and Šír, Z. Mapping rational rotation-minimizing frames from polynomial curves on to rational curves. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 78: 101833, 2020.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z. and Vráblíková, J. Envelopes of implicit surfaces. In Proceedings of the Slovak-Czech conference on geometry and graphics 2020, pages 171-176, Plzeň, 2020.
- Šír, Z. Výšky a osy stran v trojúhelníku. In Rozvíjení matematických talentů na středních školách II, pages 15-19, MatfyzPress, 2020.
[ pdf ] - Šír, Z. O projekcích. In Rozvíjení matematické gramotnosti na středních školách III, pages 43-50, MatfyzPress, 2020.
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- Šír, Z. Rational Curves of Given Direction. In Proceedings of the Slovak-Czech conference on geometry and graphics 2019, pages 171-176, Plzeň, 2019.
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- Blažková, E. and Šír, Z. Support function at inflection points of planar curves. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 63: 109-121, 2018.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z. Pythagorean hodograph curves of degree four. In Proceedings of the Czech-Slovak conference on geometry and graphics 2018, pages 245-250, VUT Brno, 2018.
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- Bizzarri, M.; Lávička, M.; Šír, Z. and Vršek, J. Hermite interpolation by piecewise polynomial surfaces with polynomial area element. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 51: 30-47, 2017.
[ doi ] - Kadlec, K. and Šír, Z. Smooth Cubic Pythagorean Hodograph Splines. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, pages 1114-1121, 2017.
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- Lávička, M.; Šír, Z. and Vršek, J. Smooth surface interpolation using patches with rational offsets. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 48: 75-85, 2016.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z. Křivky v teorii a aplikacích. In South Bohemia Mathematical Letters, 24: 49-56, 2016.
- Blažková, E. and Šír, Z. Approximating Support Function at Inflection Points for CNC Manufacturing. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, pages 219-228, 2016.
[ pdf ] - Šír, Z. Křivky v diferenciální geometrii a geometrickém modelování. In Proceedings of the Slovak-Czech conference on geometry and computer graphics, pages 17-25, Ostravská univerzita, 2016.
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- Blažková, E. and Šír, Z. Local Properties of Algebraic Curves Using Rational Puiseux Series. In Proceedings of the Slovak-Czech conference on geometry and computer graphics, pages 73-84, STU Bratislava, 2015.
[ pdf ] - Šír, Z. and Jüttler, B. On de Casteljau-type algorithms for rational Bézier curves. In Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 288: 244-250, 2015.
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- Blažková, E. and Šír, Z. Identifying and approximating monotonous segments of algebraic curves using support function representation. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 31 (7–8): 358-372, 2014.
[ doi ] - Bastl, B.; Bizzarri, M.; Kovač, B.; Krajnc, M.; Lávička, M.; Michálková, K.; Počkaj, K.; Šír, Z. and Žagar, E. $C^2$ Hermite interpolation by Pythagorean-hodograph quintic triarcs. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 31 (7–8): 412-426, 2014.
[ doi ] - Bastl, B.; Jüttler, B.; Lávička, M.; Schulz, T. and Šír, Z. On the Parameterization of Rational Ringed Surfaces and Rational Canal Surfaces. In Mathematics in Computer Science, 8: 299-319, 2014.
[ doi ] - Blažková, E. and Šír, Z. Exploiting the Implicit Support Function for a Topologically Accurate Approximation of Algebraic Curves. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 49-67, Springer, LNCS 6920, 2014.
[ doi ] - Bastl, B.; Bizzarri, M.; Krajnc, M.; Lávička, M.; Slabá, K.; Šír, Z.; Vitrih, V. and Žagar, E. $C^1$ Hermite interpolation with spatial Pythagorean-hodograph cubic biarcs. In Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 257: 65-78, 2014.
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- Čech-Dobiášová, K. and Šír, Z. Isogeometrická analýza nad optimalizovanými křivočarými triangulacemi. In Sborník příspěvků 33. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 57-63, Ostrava-Poruba, 2013.
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- Bastl, B.; Jüttler, B.; Lávička, M. and Šír, Z. Curves and surfaces with rational chord length parameterization. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29 (5): 231-241, 2012.
[ doi ] - Bastl, B.; Lávička, M. and Šír, Z. G 2 Hermite interpolation with curves represented by multi-valued trigonometric support functions. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6920 LNCS: 142-156, 2012.
[ doi ] - Čech-Dobiášová, K. and Šír, Z. Triangulace pomocí kruhových oblouků a metoda konečných prvků. In Sborník příspěvků 32. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 63-68, Plzeň, 2012.
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- Aichholzer, O.; Aurenhammer, F.; Hackl, T.; Jüttler, B.; Rabl, M. and Šír, Z. Computational and structural advantages of circular boundary representation. In International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 21 (1): 47-69, 2011.
[ doi ] - Farouki, R.T. and Šír, Z. Rational Pythagorean-hodograph space curves. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 28 (2): 75-88, 2011.
[ doi ] - Bastl, B.; Jüttler, B.; Lávička, M.; Schicho, J. and Šír, Z. Spherical quadratic Bézier triangles with chord length parameterization and tripolar coordinates in space. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 28 (2): 127-134, 2011.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z.; Hladký, V.; Mašek, R. and Šmíd, A. Řecké matematické texty. OIKOYMENH, 2011.
[ www ] - Surynková, P. and Šír, Z. Shape fitting and non convex data analysis. In South Bohemia Mathematical Letters, 18: 29-37, 2011.
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- Kosinka, J. and Šír, Z. C2 Hermite interpolation by Minkowski Pythagorean hodograph curves and medial axis transform approximation. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 27 (8): 631-643, 2010.
[ doi ] - Bastl, B.; Jüttler, B.; Lávička, M. and Šír, Z. Surfaces with rational chord length parameterization. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6130 LNCS: 19-28, 2010.
[ doi ] - Černohorská, E. and Šír, Z. Support function of pythagorean hodograph cubics and G1 hermite interpolation. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6130 LNCS: 29-42, 2010.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z.; Bastl, B. and Lávička, M. Hermite interpolation by hypocycloids and epicycloids with rational offsets. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 27 (5): 405-417, 2010.
[ doi ] - Lávička, M.; Bastl, B. and Šír, Z. Reparameterization of curves and surfaces with respect to their convolution. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5862 LNCS: 285-298, 2010.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z. and Kosinka, J. Low degree Euclidean and Minkowski Pythagorean hodograph curves. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5862 LNCS: 394-418, 2010.
[ doi ] - Surynková, P. and Šír, Z. Shape fitting and non convex data analysis. In Sborník příspěvků 30. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 219-229, Praha, 2010.
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- Surynková, P.; Voráčová, Š. and Šír., Z. Statistical application of curve evolution. In Sborník příspěvků 29. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 251-261, Liberec, 2009.
[ pdf ] - Šír., Z. Hermite Interpolation with Euclidean Pythagorean Hodograph Curves. In Sborník příspěvků 29. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 25-32, Liberec, 2009.
[ pdf ] - Lávička, M.; Šír, Z. and Bastl, B. Hermite interpolation with HE-splines. In Sborník příspěvků 29. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 205-212, Liberec, 2009.
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- Gravesen, J.; Jüttler, B. and Šír, Z. On rationally supported surfaces. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 25 (4-5): 320-331, 2008.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z.; Gravesen, J. and Jüttler, B. Curves and surfaces represented by polynomial support functions. In Theoretical Computer Science, 392 (1-3): 141-157, 2008.
[ doi ] - Gravesen, J.; Jüettler, B. and Šír, Z. Approximating offsets of surfaces by using the support function representation. In Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006, pages 719-723, Mathematics in Industry 12, 2008.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z. Užití teorie proporcí u Eukleida, Archiméda a Apollónia. In 29. mezinárodní konference Historie matematiky, pages 167-170, Matfyzpress, Praha, 2008.
[ pdf ] - Šír, Z. Několik matematických a terminologických poznámek k Eukleidovým Základům. In Eukleides, Základy geometrie, pages 49-61, Plzeň, 2008.
[ pdf ] - Šír, Z. and Pazourek, K. Zkušenosti s distančním vzděláváním talentovaných žáků I: Wallace-Bolyai-Gerwienova věta. In Setkání učitelů matematiky všech typů a stupňů škol, pages 291-296, Plzeň, 2008.
[ pdf ] - Pazourek, K. and Šír, Z. Zkušenosti s distančním vzděláváním talentovaných žáků II: Polynomy. In Setkání učitelů matematiky všech typů a stupňů škol, pages 231-235, Plzeň, 2008.
[ pdf ] - Dobiášová, K. and Šír, Z. Přibližná parametrizace křivek pro robotiku. In Sborník příspěvků 28. konference o geometrii a grafice, Brno, 2008.
[ pdf ] - Bastl, B.; Lávička, M. and Šír, Z. ISF representation of hypersurfaces and rational convolutions computation. In Sborník příspěvků 28. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 21-29, Brno, 2008.
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- Almegaard, H.; Bagger, A.; Gravesen, J.; Jüttler, B. and Šír, Z. Surfaces with piecewise linear support functions over spherical triangulations. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4647 LNCS: 42-63, 2007.
[ doi ] - Aichholzer, O.; Aurenhammer, F.; Hackl, T.; Jüttler, B.; Oberneder, M. and Šír, Z. Computational and structural advantages of circular boundary representation. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4619 LNCS: 374-385, 2007.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z.; Gravesen, J. and J"uttler, B. Computing convolutions and Minkowski sums via support functions. In Curve and surface design: Avignon 2006, pages 244-253, Nashboro Press, Brentwood, TN, Mod. Methods Math. , 2007.
[ pdf ] - Šír, Z.; Wings, E. and Jüttler, B. Rounding spatial G-code tool paths using pythagorean hodograph curves. In Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 7 (3): 186-191, 2007.
[ doi ] - Aigner, M.; Šír, Z. and Jüttler, B. Evolution-based least-squares fitting using Pythagorean hodograph spline curves. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 24 (6): 310-322, 2007.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z. and Jüttler, B. C2 Hermite interpolation by Pythagorean Hodograph space curves. In Mathematics of Computation, 76 (259): 1373-1391, 2007.
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- Aigner, M.; Šír, Z. and Jüttler, B. Least-squares approximation by pythagorean hodograph spline curves via an evolution process. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4077 LNCS: 45-58, 2006.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z.; Feichtinger, R. and Jüttler, B. Approximating curves and their offsets using biarcs and Pythagorean hodograph quintics. In CAD Computer Aided Design, 38 (6): 608-618, 2006.
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- Šír, Z. and Jüttler, B. Spatial pythagorean hodograph quintics and the approximation of pipe surfaces. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3604 LNCS: 364-380, 2005.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z. and Jüttler, B. Euclidean and Minkowski Pythagorean hodograph curves over planar cubics. In Computer Aided Geometric Design, 22 (8): 753-770, 2005.
[ doi ] - Šír, Z. and Jüttler, B. Constructing acceleration continuous tool paths using Pythagorean Hodograph curves. In Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40 (11): 1258-1272, 2005.
[ doi ] - Kosinka, J.; Šír, Z. and Jüttler, B. Hermite Interpolation by Pythagorean Hodograph Curves in Euclidean and Minkowski Space. In Proceedings of 30. Süddeutsches Differentialgeometrie-Kolloquium, pages 35-42, Technische Universität Dresden, 2005.
[ pdf ] - Šír, Z. Approximate parametrisation of confidence sets. In Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces, pages 1-10, 2005.
[ pdf ] [ doi ] - Šír, Z. and Jüttler, B. Lifting cubics into (Minkowski) space. In Mathematical methods for curves and surfaces: Tromso 2004, pages 315-326, Nashboro Press, Brentwood, TN, Mod. Methods Math. , 2005.
[ pdf ] - Šír, Z. Hermite interpolation by planar biarcs. In Sborník příspěvků 25. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 235-328, Brno, 2005.
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- Šír, Z. Fitting of piecewise polynomial implicit surfaces. In Sborník příspěvků 24. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 202-206, Ostrava, 2004.
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- Šír, Z. Řecké spisy o zápalných zrcadlech a teorie kuželoseček. In The number and its symbolics from Antiquity to the Renaissance 2002, pages 21-31, Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, Brno, 2003.
[ pdf ] - Šír, Z. Hermite interpolation by space PH curves. In Sborník příspěvků 23. konference o geometrii a grafice, pages 193-198, Plzeň, 2003.
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- Šír, Z. Les sections coniques chez Philippe de La Hire. Ph.D. Thesis, Universit'e Pierre at Marie Curie (Paris VI), 2002.
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- Šír, Z. Properties of operators occurring in the Penrose transform. In Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 42 (4): 681-690, 2001.
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- Šír, Z. The Penrose Transform for Homogeneous Spaces of SL(4,C). Master's Thesis, Charles University, Prague, 1995.
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