David Stanovský



  1. Michael Kinyon, David Stanovský, Abelianness and centrality in inverse semigroups, to appear in Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., [arXiv]
  2. Milan Cvrček, David Stanovský, Primitive quandles with alternating displacement group, to appear in Hiroshima J. Math., [arXiv]
  3. Alberto Facchini, David Stanovský, Semidirect products in Universal Algebra, to appear in Contemp. Math., [arXiv]
  4. Marco Bonatto, David Stanovský, A universal algebraic approach to rack coverings, to appear in J. Knot Theory Ramifications. [arXiv]
  5. David Stanovský, Petr Vojtěchovský, Supernilpotent groups and 3-supernilpotent loops, J. Algebra and its Applications 23/9 (2024), Article No. 2450138, 17 p. [arXiv] [DOI]
  6. Žaneta Semanišinová, David Stanovský, Three Concepts of Nilpotence in Loops, Results in Math. 78/4 (2023), Paper No. 119, 15 p. [arXiv] [DOI]
  7. Přemysl Jedlička, David Stanovský, Homomorphic images of affine quandles, Algebra Universalis 82 (2021), 11 pp. [arXiv] [DOI]
  8. David Stanovský, Petr Vojtěchovský, Idempotent solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and twisted Ward quasigroups, Fundamenta Math. 255/1 (2021), 51--68. [arXiv] [DOI]
  9. Marco Bonatto, David Stanovský, Commutator theory for racks and quandles, J. Math. Soc. Japan 73/1 (2021), 41--75. [arXiv] [DOI]
  10. Marco Bonatto, Michael Kinyon, David Stanovský, Petr Vojtěchovský, Involutive latin solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, J. Algebra 565/1 (2021), 128--159. [arXiv] [DOI]
  11. Přemysl Jedlička, Agata Pilitowska, David Stanovský, Anna Zamojska-Dzienio, Subquandles of affine quandles, J. Algebra 510 (2018), 259--288. [arXiv] [DOI]
  12. David Stanovský, Linear representation of Abel-Grassmann groups, Carpathian J. Math. 33/2 (2017), 257--263. [arXiv] [journal]
  13. Přemysl Jedlička, David Stanovský, Petr Vojtěchovský, Trimedial and distributive quasigroups of order 243, Discrete Math. 340/3 (2017), 404--415. [arXiv] [DOI]
  14. David Stanovský, Medial quasigroups of prime square order, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae. 57/4 (2016), 585--590. [arXiv] [journal]
  15. David Stanovský, Petr Vojtěchovský, Central and medial quasigroups of small order, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova, Matematica, 80/1 (2016), 24--40. [arXiv] [journal]
  16. Diane Donovan, Terry Griggs, Thomas McCourt, Jakub Opršal, David Stanovský, Distributive and anti-distributive Mendelsohn triple systems, Canadian Math. Bull. 59 (2016), 36--49. [DOI] [arXiv] [calculations]
  17. Alexander Hulpke, David Stanovský, Petr Vojtěchovský, Connected quandles and transitive groups, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220/2 (2016) 735--758. [DOI] [arXiv] [calculations]
  18. Přemysl Jedlička, Agata Pilitowska, David Stanovský, Anna Zamojska-Dzienio, The structure of medial quandles, J. Algebra 443 (2015), 300--334. [DOI] [arXiv] [calculations]
  19. David Stanovský, A guide to self-distributive quasigroups, or latin quandles, Quasigroups and Related Systems 23/1 (2015), 91--128. [journal] [arXiv]
  20. Libor Barto, Marcin Kozik, David Stanovský, Mal'tsev conditions, lack of absorption, and solvability, Algebra Universalis 74/1-2 (2015), 185--206. [DOI] [PDF file]
  21. David Stanovský, Petr Vojtěchovský, Abelian extensions and solvable loops, Results in Math. 66/3-4 (2014), 367--384. [DOI] [arXiv]
  22. David Stanovský, Petr Vojtěchovský, Commutator theory for loops, J. Algebra 399 (2014), 290--322. [DOI] [arXiv]
  23. David Stanovský, Abelian differential modes are quasi-affine, Coment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 53/3 (2012), 461--473. [PDF file] [journal]
  24. JD Phillips, David Stanovský, Bruck loops with abelian inner mapping groups, Commun. Algebra 40/7 (2012), 2449--2454. [DOI] [PDF file] [electronic files]
  25. David Stanovský, Subdirectly irreducible differential modes, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 22/4 (2012), 1250028 (18p.). [DOI] [PDF file]
  26. David Stanovský, Selfdistributive groupoids. A2. Non-idempotent left distributive left quasigroups, Acta Univ. Carolinae Math. Phys. 52/2 (2011), 7--28. [PDF file]
  27. Libor Barto, David Stanovský, Polymorphisms of small digraphs, Novi Sad J. Math. 40/2 (2010), 95--109. [PDF file] [electronic files] [journal]
  28. Michał Stronkowski, David Stanovský, Embedding general algebras into modules, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138/8 (2010), 2687--2699. [PDF file] [DOI]
  29. JD Phillips, David Stanovský, Automated theorem proving in quasigroup and loop theory, Artificial Intelligence Communications 23/2-3 (2010), 267--283. [PDF file] [DOI]
  30. David Stanovský, Idempotent subreducts of semimodules over commutative semirings, Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova 121 (2009), 33--43. [PDF file] [journal]
  31. Agata Pilitowska, Anna Romanowska, David Stanovský, Varieties of differential modes embeddable into semimodules, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 19/5 (2009), 669--680. [DOI] [PDF file]
  32. Alexandr Kravchenko, Agata Pilitowska, Anna Romanowska, David Stanovský, Differential modes, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 18/3 (2008), 567--588. [PDF file] [DOI]
  33. David Stanovský, Distributive groupoids are symmetric-by-medial: An elementary proof, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 49/4 (2008), 541--546. [PDF file] [journal]
  34. Kira Adaricheva, Agata Pilitowska, David Stanovský, O kompleksnyh algebrah podalgebr, Algebra i logika 47/6 (2008), 655--686 (Russian).
    Translation On complex algebras of subalgebras, Algebra and logic 47/6 (2008), 367--383. [PDF file English] [PDF file Russian] [DOI]
  35. David Stanovský, Subdirectly irreducible non-idempotent left distributive left quasigroups, Commun. Algebra, 36/7 (2008), 2654--2669. [PDF file] [DOI]
  36. Petar Đapić, Jaroslav Ježek, Petar Marković, Ralph McKenzie, David Stanovský, Star-linear theories of groupoids, Algebra Universalis 56/3-4 (2007), 357--397. [PDF file] [Presentation] [DOI]
  37. Jaroslav Ježek, Petar Marković, David Stanovský, Homomorphic images of finite subdirectly irreducible unary algebras, Czech. Math. J. 57/2 (2007), 671--677. [PDF file] [DOI]
  38. David Stanovský, Commutative idempotent residuated lattices, Czech. Math. J. 57/1 (2007), 191--200. [PDF file] [DOI]
  39. Ralph McKenzie, David Stanovský, Every quasigroup is isomorphic to a subdirectly irreducible quasigroup modulo its monolith, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 72 (2006), 59--64. [PDF file]
  40. David Stanovský, On axioms of biquandles, J. Knot Theory Ramifications 15/7 (2006) 931--933. [PDF file] [DOI]
  41. Emil Jeřábek, Tomáš Kepka, David Stanovský, Subdirectly irreducible non-idempotent left symmetric left distributive groupoids, Discussiones Math. - General Algebra and Appl. 25/2 (2005) 235--257. [PDF file] [DOI]
  42. David Stanovský, Left symmetric left distributive operations on a group, Algebra Universalis 54/1 (2005), 97--103. [PDF file] [DOI]
  43. David Stanovský, On varieties of left distributive left idempotent groupoids, Discussiones Math. - General Algebra and Appl. 24/2 (2004), 267--275. [PDF file] [DOI]
  44. David Stanovský, On the equational theory of group conjugation, Contributions to General Algebra 15, 177--185, Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2004. [PDF file] [errata]
  45. David Stanovský, Homomorphic images of subdirectly irreducible groupoids, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 42/3 (2001), 443--450. [PDF file] [journal]

  1. Andrew Fish, Alexei Lisitsa, David Stanovský, Sarah Swartwood, Efficient knot discrimination via quandle coloring with SAT and #-SAT, in: Mathematical Software - ICMS 2016 Proceedings, LNCS 9725, Springer, 2016, pp. 51--58. [DOI]
  2. Andrew Fish, Alexei Lisitsa, David Stanovský, Combinatorial approach to knot recognition, in: Embracing Global Computing in Emerging Economies, CCIS 514, Springer, 2015, pp. 64--78. [DOI] [arXiv] [calculations]
  3. Jiří Vyskočil, David Stanovský, Josef Urban, Automated proof compression by invention of new definitions, in: Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR-16, Dakar, 2010), LNAI 6355, Springer, 2011, 447--462. [PDF file]
  4. JD Phillips, David Stanovský, Automated theorem proving in loop theory, in: Empirically Successful Automated Reasoning in Mathematics (ESARM workshop, Birmingham, 2008), CEUR Workshop Proceedings 378. [PDF file] [Presentation]
My contributions to OEIS

Other notes
  1. The origins of involutory quandles, 2015 (not published). [arXiv]
  2. A brief overview of non-associative algebra, 2011 (not intended for publication). [PDF file]
  3. Martin Suda, David Stanovský, Geoff Sutcliffe, SPASS-XDB goes Mathematical, 2010 (not published). [PDF file]
  4. Nová učebnice obecné algebry, a o výuce algebry pro studenty učitelství, in: sborník konference Setkání učitelů matematiky všech stupňů a typů škol, Srní, 2010. [PDF file]
  1. Left distributive left quasigroups, PhD thesis, Charles University in Prague, 2004.
  2. Left distributive groupoids, Master's thesis, Charles University in Prague, 2001.


On quandles and knots:

On commutator theory and affine representations: On other universal algebra topics: On automated theorem proving:


  1. Základy algebry (Fundamentals of algebra), Matfyzpress, 2010.
  2. David Stanovský, Libor Barto, Počítačová algebra (Computer algebra), Matfyzpress, 2011.
  3. Příklady z algebry (Exercises on general algebra), in preparation. [PDF]
  4. Středoškolské texty (high school texts):


  • 2018-2020 - GAČR 18-20123S Expanding the Scope of Universal Algebra (to Michael Pinsker)
  • 2013-2014 - Czech-Polish cooperation grant 7AMB13PL013 General algebra and applications (principal investigator)
  • 2013-2017 - GAČR 13-01832S General algebra and its connections to computer science (to Libor Barto)
  • 2008-2010 - GAČR 201/08/P056 Algorithmic and structural problems of equational logic (principal investigator)
  • 2005-2007 - GAČR 201/05/0002 Structure of algebras in varieties (to Jaroslav Ježek)
  • 2005-2007 - INTAS 03-51-4110 Universal algebra and lattice theory (to Anna Romanowska, Politechnika Warszawska)
  • 2002-2004 - GAČR 201/02/0594 Varieties of algebras (to Jaroslav Ježek)
  • 2002-2004 - GAČR 201/02/0148 Categorical methods in informatics and structural mathematics (to Marie Demlová, ČVUT Praha)
  • 2002 - FRVŠ 2416/2002 Varieties of universal algebras (to Marian Kechlibar)
  • 2000 - FRVŠ 1920/2000 Methodical aspects of binary systems (to Tomáš Kepka)