Please, visit the Moodle.
How to register into Moodle

This year

Plan of the lessons

Mind map for our syllabus


Just send me an e-mail. Short questions we can handle by mail, longer by Zoom or personally.

Course completition requirements

During the semestr students complete various activities - and collect points. The maximum total number is 100 points. In particular

  • homeworks = 30 pts;
  • midterm = 15 pts;
  • final exam = 25 + 30 = 55 pts.
You need to
  • succesfully finish the course with a grade. Especially:
    • 90 < A ≤ 100 (excellent);
    • 80 < B ≤ 90;
    • 70 < C ≤ 80;
    • 60 < D ≤ 70;
    • 50 < E ≤ 60 (passed);
    • 0 < F ≤ 50 (did not pass).

The homeworks can be found in Moodle.

Please, enjoy the sample exam.

Tables and lists

Examples and Exercises

  • Khan academy - a lot of videos with examples, methods and applications.



Concavity + Convexity


L'Hospital rule


Function limits

