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Stefan Banach and Otto Nikodym. |
Last update: April 12, 2022.
Version française (pas à jour)
Univerzita Karlova
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta
Katedra matematické analýzy
Sokolovská 83
186 75 Praha 8 – Karlín
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I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Mathematical Analysis of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague.
I am mainly interested in applications of methods from combinatorics and mathematical logic, and in the study of problems from those disciplines, in the context of functional analysis. I also sometimes work on those disciplines independently. Subareas on which I concentrated the most are Ramsey theory, Banach space geometry, and descriptive set theory.
I did my Ph.D. in the mathematical logic team of the IMJ-PRG, at the University Paris Diderot. My supervisor was Stevo Todorcevic. The title of my thesis is "Ramsey theory without pigeonhole principle and applications to the proof of Banach-space dichotomies"; I defended it on June 28, 2018. The manuscript is available here (only the short introduction is in French; you will find a short summary in English on page 3).
In France, Ph.D. thesis manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Here are the reports of the referees:
You will find here links to the slides and videos of some of my talks. To avoid repetition, this list is not comprehensive, but it is representative of all of my talks (apart from non-recorded board talks, of course). It may happen that some mistakes on the slides have been corrected after I gave the talk, in which case the slides available on this page may differ from those visible on the video.
I am not currently teaching. You will find below a list of my previous teaching duties.
In 2018–2019, I was an Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche (assistant professor) at the University Paris Diderot. I taught the following:
From September 2015 to August 2018, I was a moniteur (teaching assistant) at the Department of Mathematics and Applications of the École normale supérieure in Paris. I taught exercise sessions in mathematical logic. My exercise sheets (in French) are available on this page.