Information for studentsThis webpage is designed as a guidue throuhg the final exam. It does not contain official legally binding information - such kind of information may be found at the above-given link. Here we wish to provide an informal help for students. The final state exam consists of two parts - the first one is the defense of the master's thesis and the second one is the oral part. Both parts usually take place within the same day - the defense is followed by the oral part. Submitting the master's thesis Defense of the master's thesis | Submitting master's thesisMaster's thesis should be sumbitted electronically in the format PDF/A and also in the printed form. Submitting the electronic version of the thesisMaster's thesis is submitted primarily in the electronic form before the deadline specified by the Academic Calendar. Submitting is done by uploading a PDF file with the text of the theis to SIS. It is necessary to comply with the prescribed layout of the thesis, in particular to insert the correct logo of the faculty - it is possible to use offered templates (details here). Simultaneously it is necessary that the uploaded file complies with the PDF/A standard - see below. The PDF/A standardBy Rector's Directive No. 72/2017 theses should be electronically sumbitted in the format PDF/A1a or PDF/A2u. The reason is the fact that files in these formats cannot be edited (with preservation of the format). It is not sufficient that a PDF-viewer displays that the given file complies with the standard PDF/A. The file must go through the built-in control in SIS. This task may be nontrivial - students' experience says that problems may be caused by pictures, some fonts or mathematical symbols. Therefore it is necessary to allocate sufficient time for possible corrections. All findings on this nontrivial process are collected zde (in Czech). Submitting paper version of the thesisIn addition to the electronic version, it is necessary to submit also a paper version. The regulation valid from January 2024 requires to submit just one copy (in any type of bookbinding) to the Chairman of the Board before the defense. In case a student does not provide a hardcopy of the thesis, the defense will not take place. The paper version of the thesis must be complete and identical with the submitted electronic version. Sumbitting a hardcopy is required in order the Board has a printed version during the defense. This paper vestion then circulates during the defense. After the defense the submitted hardcopy is returned to the student. |