Content of the course, expected knowledge and connections to other coursesThe aim of this course is to provide an introduction to several advanced areas of complex analysis. Main topics are the following:
Complex analysis 2 is an advanced course for master students of mathematical analysis. Therefore the knowledge on the level of the bachelor program General mathematics, specialization Mathematical analysis os expected. More specifically, this course is a kind of continuation of the bachelor course Complex Analysis 1 (NMMA338) which itself is a continuation of the course Introduction to complex analysis (NMMA301). Besides, we will need a sound knowledge of measure and integration and several things from functional analysis. How to continue? Some topics related to the first chapter are studied in the optional courses Introduction to Harmonic Analysis 1, 2 (NMMA477, NMMA478), Advanced Differentiation and Integration 4 (NMMA564), Quasi-Conformal Mappings 1, 2 (NMMA577, NMMA578). A kind of continuation of the second chapter is in the elective course Riemann surfaces (NMAG433). A further optional course devoted to topics related to complex analysis is Hypercomplex Analysis (NMAG461). |