Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Credit requirements

  1. The credit will be awarded for complete and correct solutions of two homeworks and presenting a correct solution of a given problem during the classes.
  2. The respective problems for homeworks will be posted on the platform Moodle, where the method of booking will be specified and a place for submitting the solutions will be provided. A link to Moodle will be available in SIS.
  3. Each student will solve the problem, write down the solution on a paper, scan it and upload it to Moodle in the format PDF.
  4. The submitted solutions have to be hand-written and scanned, not typed in an editor or in a typographical system (TeX, Word etc.). Instead of writing on a paper it is possible to use one of the applications for hand-writing (One Note, Xournal, Windows Journal etc.), its output should then be uploaded in the format PDF.
  5. The solution has to be understandable, all the steps sufficiently explained, the used theorems correctly quoted.
  6. In Moodle there will be specified recommended deadlines for submitting, but a later submission is possible.
  7. The teacher will correct and comment the solutions in Moodle, usually within a week after submition. It will be noted in the comments whether the solution is complete and correct or whether a correction or completion is necessary.
  8. If a solution requires a completion or correction, the student will do that and then he or she will submit the solution again, using the same procedure as for the original submission. This procedure will be repeated until the solution is correct and complete.
  9. The number of iterations is not a priori bounded. The student should submit the correct and complete solutions of all the homeworks at last one week before the chosen exam date.
  10. Problems designed for presenting during the classes will be assigned during the classes or, upon request of a student, by e-mail.

Statistical data on homeworks

(Last update: March 4, 2024, 9:42)

Number of
students who

HW 1

HW 2

- have booked
the homework


- have submitted
the homework


- have solved
the homework


- solved the
homework correctly
at the first go


- have submitted
a correction


- solved the
homework correctly
at the second go


- have submitted
a second correction


- solved the
homework correctly
at the third go

Overall statistics
Number of students whohave booked
at least one HW
have submitted
at least one HW
have solved correctly2 HWs 14
1 HW 2
0 HWs1

Interim results at the end of the exam period
(February 15, 2024, 16:16)

Number of students who

      - have enrolled:


      - have presented a problem during classes:


      - have booked at least one homework:


      - have submitted at least one homework:


      - have submitted both homeworks:


      - have gained the credit:


Submitting homeworks is still possible.