Selected Publications
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B. Benesova, M. Kampschulte, S. Schwarzacher: A variational approach to hyperbolic evolutions and fluid-structure interactions, JEMS, (2023), DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1353, Paper.
M. Kampschulte, S. Schwarzacher, G. Sperone: Unrestricted deformations of thin elastic structures interacting with fluids (2023), JMPA, Vol. 173, p. 96-148 Paper.
O.Saari, S. Schwarzacher: Construction of a right inverse for the divergence in non-cylindrical time dependent domains, (2023), Annals of PDE, Vol. 9, p. 8 Paper.
B. Benesova, M. Kampschulte, S. Schwarzacher: Variational methods for fluid-structure interaction and porous media (2021), Nonlinear Analysis RWA, Vol. 71, p. 103819 Paper.
C. Mindrila, S. Schwarzacher: Time-periodic weak solutions for an incompressible Newtonian fluid interacting with an elastic plate, SIMA, Vol. 54, p. 4139-4162, (2022), Paper.
G. Gravina, S. Schwarzacher, O. Soucek, K. Tuma: Contactless rebound of elastic bodies in a viscous incompressible fluid, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 942, p. A34, (2022), Paper.
S. Schwarzacher, M. Sroczinski: Weak-strong uniqueness for an elastic plate interacting with the Navier Stokes equation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 54, p. 4104-4138, (2022), Paper.
S. Schwarzacher, B. She: On numerical approximations to fluid-structure interactions involving compressible fluids, Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 151, p. 219-278,(2022), Preprint.
D. Breit and S. Schwarzacher: Navier-Stokes-Fourier fluids interacting with elastic shells, (2021), accepted at Annali della Scuola Normale di Pisa - Classe di Scienze, Vol. 24, p. 619?690, (2023), Preprint.
D. Breit, A. Cianchi, L. Diening, S. Schwarzacher: Global Schauder estimates for the p-Laplace system, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal, Vol. 243, p. 201-255, (2022), Paper.
B. Muha, S. Schwarzacher: Existence and regularity for weak solutions for a fluid interacting with a non-linear shell in 3D, Annal. l'Inst. H. Poinc. (C) Anal. Non Lin., Vol. 6, p. 1369-1412, (2022), Paper.
R. Hofer, K. Kowalczyk, S. Schwarzacher: Darcy's law as low Mach and homogenization limit of a compressible fluid in perforated domains, Vol. 31, p. 1787 - 1819, (2021). Preprint.
C. Mindrila, S. Schwarzacher: Existence of steady very weak solutions to Navier-Stokes equations with non-Newtonian stress tensors, JDE, Vol. 279, p. 10-45, (2021). Preprint.
F. Rindler, S. Schwarzacher, J. J. L. Velazquez: Two-speed solutions to non-convex rate-independent systems, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., Vol. 239, p. 1667-1731 (2021). Preprint.
U. Gianazza and S. Schwarzacher: Self-improving property of the fast diffusion equation, JFA, Vol. 277, p. 108291, (2019). Preprint.
M. Bulicek, J. Burczak, S. Schwarzacher: Well posedness of nonlinear parabolic systems beyond duality, Annal. l'Inst. H. Poinc. (C) Anal. Non Lin., Vol. 36, p. 1467-1500, (2019). Preprint.
U. Gianazza and S. Schwarzacher: Self-improving property of degenerate parabolic equations of porous medium-type, (2019), Amer. J. Math., Vol.
141, p. 399-446. Preprint.
Y. Lu and S. Schwarzacher: Homogenization of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in domains with very tiny holes (2018), JDE 265 (4), 1371-1406. Preprint.
D. Breit and S. Schwarzacher: Compressible fluids interacting with a linear-elastic shell, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal, (2018), Vol. 228, p. 495-562.
D. Breit, A. Cianchi, L. Diening, T. Kuusi and S. Schwarzacher: Pointwise Calderon-Zygmund gradient estimates for the p-Laplace system, JMPA, (2018), Vol.114, p. 146-190. Preprint.
F. Rindler, S. Schwarzacher, E. Suli: Regularity and approximation of strong solutions to rate-independent systems, M3AS, (2017), Vol.27, p. 2511-2556. Preprint.
L. Diening, S. Schwarzacher, B. Stroffolini and A. Verde: Parabolic Lipschitz truncation and Caloric Approximation, Calc. of Var. and PDE, (2017), Vol. 56, p. 120. Preprint.
M. Bulicek, J. Burczak and S. Schwarzacher: A unified theory for some non Newtonian fluids under singular forcing, SIAM J. Math. Anal., (2016), vol. 48, p. 4241–4267. Preprint.
M. Bulicek and S. Schwarzacher: Existence of very weak solutions to elliptic systems of p-Laplacian type, Calc. of Var. and PDE, (2016), vol. 55, 14 pp Preprint.
M. Bulicek, L. Diening and S. Schwarzacher: Existence, uniqueness and optimal regularity results for very weak solutions to nonlinear elliptic systems, Analysis and PDE, (2016), vol. 9, p. 1115–1151 Preprint.
J. Frehse, S. Schwarzacher: On regularity of the time derivative for degenerate parabolic systems, SIAM J. Math. Anal., (2015), vol. 47, p.3917-3943 Preprint.
D. Breit, L. Diening, S. Schwarzacher: Finite element methods for the
p(.)-Laplacian, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., (2015), vol. 53, p. 551-572 Preprint.
S. Schwarzacher: Hölder-Zygmund Estimates for Parabolic Degenerate Systems. J. Differential Equations, (2014), vol. 256, p. 2423-2448
D. Breit, L. Diening, S. Schwarzacher: Solenoidal Lipschitz truncation for parabolic PDE's. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., (2013), vol. 23, p. 2671-2700 Preprint.
L. Diening, Ch. Kreuzer, S. Schwarzacher: Convex Hull Property and Maximum Principles for Finite Element Minimizers of General Convex Functionals. Numer. Math. (2013), vol. 124, p. 685-700.
L. Diening, P. Kaplicky, S. Schwarzacher:
BMO estimates for the p-Laplacian, Nonlinear Anal., (2012), Vol. 75, p. 637-650, Preprint.