
D. Campbell, L. D'Onofrio, S. Hencl, A sense preserving Sobolev homeomorphism with negative Jacobian almost everywhere. Journal of the London Math. Soc. Volume 106, Issue 1, (2022).

D. Campbell, A. Pratelli, E. Radici, Comparison between the non-crossing and the non-crossing on lines properties, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 498, (2021).

D. Campbell, F. Soudský, Smooth homeomorphic approximation of piecewise affine homeomorphisms Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 32, Issue 3, (2021).

C. Brena, and D. Campbell, BV and Sobolev homeomorphisms between metric measure spaces and the plane, Advances in Calculus of Variations, (2021).

D. Campbell, S. Hencl, Approximation of planar Sobolev $W^{2,1}$ homeomorphisms by Piecewise Quadratic Homeomorphisms and Diffeomorphisms. ESAIM: COCV, vol 27 (2021).

D. Campbell, L. Greco, R. Schiattarella, F. Soudský, Diffeomorphic approximation of planar Sobolev homeomorphisms in rearrangement invariant spaces, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation & Calculus of Variations Volume 27, Arrticle 90, (2021).

D. Campbell, S. Hencl, A. Kauranen, E. Radici, Strict Limits of planar BV Homeomorphisms Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications vol 177, A, (2018).

D. Campbell, S. Hencl, V. Tengvall, Approximation of $W^{1,p}$ Sobolev homeomorphism by diffeomorphisms and the signs of the Jacobian, Advances in Mathematics vol 331, (2018).

D. Campbell, Diffeomorphic approximation of Planar Sobolev Homeomorphisms in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis vol 273, 1, (2017).

D. Campbell, S. Hencl, F. Konopecký, The weak inverse mapping theorem, Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, Volume 34, Issue 3 (2015)

D. Campbell, S. Hencl, A note on mappings of finite distortion: examples for the sharp modulus of continuity, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math, Volume 36, Issue 2 (2011).


D. Campbell, S. Hencl, A. Menovschikov, S. Schwarzacher, Injectivity in second-gradient Nonlinear Elasticity Arxive

D. Campbell, A. Kauranen, E. Radici, Classification of strict limits of planar BV homeomorphisms Arxive

D. Campbell, A. Kauranen, E. Radici, Minimal Extension for the-Manhattan norm Arxive

D. Campbell, A. Kauranen, E. Radici, Classification of area-strict limits of planar BV homeomorphisms Arxive