2013–2019 - Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics – doctoral degree in Mathematical Modelling, advisor Josef Málek
2010–2013 - Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics – master’s degree summa cum laude in Mathematical and Computer Modelling in Physics and Engineering
2006–2010 - Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics – bachelor’s degree in Physics
1998–2006 - Gymnasium in Jeseník – eight-year programme
Professional affiliation
since 2023 - assistant professor at Mathematical Institute of Charles University
2017–2023 - research fellow and teaching assistant at Chemnitz University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics, working group of Numerical mathematics
October 2020 – September 2021 - 50% parental leave
Scientific interests
scientific computing
numerical analysis, a posteriori error estimates, adaptivity, preconditioning
inverse problems in electromagnetism
non-Newtonian fluids
Selected publications \(~\)
Martin Alnæs, Jan Blechta, Johan Hake, August Johansson, Benjamin Kehlet, Anders Logg, Chris Richardson, Johannes Ring, Marie Rognes, and Garth Wells. The FEniCS Project Version 1.5. Archive of Numerical Software, 3(100):9–23, 2015. doi:10.11588/ans.2015.100.20553.
Jan Blechta. Stability of linear GMRES convergence with respect to compact perturbations. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 42(1):436–447, 2021. doi:10.1137/20M1340848.
Jan Blechta, Josef Málek, and K.R. Rajagopal. On the classification of incompressible fluids and a mathematical analysis of the equations that govern their motion. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 52(2):1232–1289, 2020. doi:10.1137/19M1244895.
Jan Blechta, Josef Málek, and Martin Vohralík. Localization of the \(W^{-1,q}\) norm for local a posteriori efficiency. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 40(2):914–950, 2020. doi:10.1093/imanum/drz002.
Published software
regular contributions to the FEniCS Project since 2012
principal author of FENaPack (FEniCS Navier-Stokes preconditioning package) and dolfin-tape (DOLFIN tools for a posteriori error estimation)
Research projects
2013–2017 - team member of ERC-CZ LL1202 project MORE “Implicitly constituted material models: from theory through model reduction to efficient numerical methods”
2015–2021 - external collaborator of ERC Consolidator Grant GATIPOR “Guaranteed fully adaptive algorithms with tailored inexact solvers for complex porous media flows”
2017–2021 - team member of GEOSax “Geophysikalische Explorationsmethoden zur Erkundung von Erzvorkommen im Erzgebirge/Sachsen”
Industrial cooperation
2013–2017 - modelling of float glass forming, in cooperation with Glass Service, see [Řehoř et al. 2016]
2021 - electromagnetic exploration of ground water infiltration in the Berezniki potash mining area, in cooperation with TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Uralkali, and Perm State University
Professional responsibilities
2016–2018 member of the FEniCS Project Steering Council
Research visits
2017 - University of Oxford, UK (9 weeks, hosted by Endre Suli and Patrick Farrell)
2015 - University of Cambridge, UK (1 week, hosted by Garth N. Wells and Chris Richardson)
2015 - Inria, France (1 week, hosted by Martin Vohralík)
summer semester 2023 - Computer Solution of Physics Problems with Vít Průša and Karel Tůma
summer semester 2023 - Linear Algebra exercise for physicists
summer semester 2023 - Linear Algebra exercise for mathematicians
winter semester 2022/2023 - class Numerical ODEs
winter semester 2021/2022 - exercise for Numerical Linear Algebra
winter semester 2021/2022 - exercise for Optimization with PDEs
summer semester 2021 - exercise for Numerical PDEs
2018 - lecturing FEniCS hands-on classes on Chemnitz University of Technology jointly with Roland Herzog; available lecture material
2018 - co-mentoring successful GSoC project by Igor Baratta and GSoC project by Fabian Löschner
2017 - co-mentoring successful GSoC project by Michal Habera
2012-2016 - participation on tutorials for class NMMO402 Thermodynamics and Mechanics of Non-Newtonian Fluids
2015 - lecturing FEniCS hands-on (five morning sessions, jointly with Jaroslav Hron, organized by Charles University Chapter of SIAM)
Organization of scientific events
member of scientific committee of FEniCS’15, Imperial College London, 2015
co-organizer of minisymposium “High-level Computing in Applied Sciences” on ESCO 2016, Pilsen
co-organizer of minisymposium “Challenging computations in complicated materials” at Modelling 2019, Olomouc
co-organizer of GAMM Young Researchers’ Minisymposium “The push to exascale: High-performance numerical linear algebra on modern hardware”, at the GAMM 2022 Annual Meeting, Aachen
Invited lectures
First Chinese Czech Conference on Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Beijing, 2016, lecture “Numerical analysis for implicitly constituted incompressible flows”
Attendance of notable conferences
XXI Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra 2022 (by invitation only)
Czech (native)
English (fluent)
German (limited passive knowledge)
Software development skills
closely familiar with Python (including Python computing ecosystem, e.g., SciPy, etc.), C, C++, and Fortran
modern Python tools (pybind11, Numba, Pythran)
open-source development, modern techniques like unit testing, continuous integration, containerization