
B. Apanasov: Almost nilpotent manifolds with pinched negative curvature
N. Bla{\v zi{\'c}, P. Gilkey: Conformally Osserman manifolds and self-duality in Riemannian geometry
G. Calvaruso: Symmetry conditions on conformally flat Riemannian manifolds
C. Dunn, P. Gilkey, S. Nik\v cevi\'c: Curvature homogeneous signature $(2,2)$ manifolds
A. Futaki: Stability, integral invariants and canonical K\"ahler metrics
D. Hrimiuc, L. Popescu: Geodesics of sub-finslerian geometry
A. Hurtado: Generalized energy of Hopf vector fields on Berger's $3$-spheres
J. Lauret: Minimal metrics on nilmanifolds
C. Murathan, K. Arslan, Ridvan Ezenta\cs: Ricci generalized pseudo-parallel immersions
Z. Sent\"{urk: On warped product manifolds
H. Tamaru: A class of noncompact homogeneous Einstein manifolds
A. Ca\~nete: Some planar multiple isoperimetric problems
I. Fern\'andez, F. J. L\'opez: Explicit construction of maximal surfaces with singularities in complete 3-manifolds
J. A. G\'alv\'ez, P. Mira: An alternative proof of the Bryant representation
M. Munteanu: $CR$-structures of $CR$-codimension 2 on hypersurfaces in Sasakian manifolds
C. Rosales: Stable cmc hypersurfaces inside convex domains
N. Aldea: Complex Finsler spaces of constant holomorphic curvature
V. Balashchenko: Canonical $f(5,1)$-structures on homogeneous $k$-symmetric spaces
B. Doubrov, V. \v Z\'adn\'\i k: Equations and symmetries of generalized geodesics
M. Doupovec, W. M. Mikulski: Prolongation of connections to vertical bundles
M. Fern\'andez, V. Mu\~noz, L. Ugarte: The $d\delta$--lemma for weakly Lefschetz symplectic manifold
A. Rod Gover: Almost conformally Einstein manifolds and obstructions
A. Harris: On linking of $J$--holomorphic curves with periodic orbits of a contact structure
J. Hrdina: $\mathbb{H}$-planar curves
J. Hwang: Liouville theorem for geometric structures arising from minimal rational curves
J. Jany\v ska: Natural connections given by general linear and classical connections
I. Kol\'a\v r: Functorial prolongations of Lie algebroids
M. Kol\'a\v r: Local invariants of weakly pseudoconvex manifolds in $\Bbb C^2$
M. Kraus: Curvature bounds for asymptotically flat manifolds and the spinor operator
S. Kr\'ysl: A description of $\mathfrak{p}$-homomorphisms between harmonic modules in projective contact geometry
J. Kurek, W. M. Mikulski: Canonical affinors on the tangent bundle of a symplectic manifold
R. J. Al Lamy, J. Mike\v s, M. \v Skodov\'a: On linearly $pF$-planar mappings
A. N\'avrat: Nonstandard invariant operators on quaternionic geometries
I. Zelenko: Complete systems of invariants for rank 1 curves in Lagrange Grassmannians
R. Alonso, S. Jim\'ez, J. Rodr\'iguez: Differential correspondences and characteristics
A. Asada: Regularized volume form of the sphere of a Hilbert space with the determinant bundle
R. Benito, D. Mart\'\i n de Diego: Hidden symplecticity in Hamilton's principle algorithms
I. M. Benn, J.M.Kress: Symmetry operators for the Dirac and Hodge-de'Rham equations
W. Borgiel: The gravitational field of the G\"odel spacetime
J. F. Cari\~nena, A. Ramos: Lie systems and connections in fibre bundles: applications in quantum mechanics
M. Crampin: On the orthogonal separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for geodesics in a Riemannian manifold
D. J. Saunders: Sprays and Cartan projective connections
P. Baird, M. Eastwood: Conjugate functions and semiconformal mappings
G.S. Hall: Geometric foundations of classical general relativity theory
A. Kiselev, G. Manno: On the minimal surface equation
B. Langerock: Leafwise holonomy in reduction of non-holonomic systems
R. Leandre: A geometrical hypoelliptic deffusion
T. Mestdag: A Lie algebroid approach to Lagrangian systems with symmetry
W. Sarlet: Adjoint symmetries in non-holonomic mechanics
R. Smirnov, J. Yue: A moving frames technique and the invariant theory of Killing tensors
J. Brajer\v c\'\i k, D. Krupka: Variational principles for locally variational forms
L. Czudkov\'a, J. Janov\'a, J. Musilov\'a: Non-holonomic mechanical systems and variational principle
R. Ferreiro P\'erez: On the equivariant variational bicomplex
M. Francaviglia, M. Palese, E. Winterroth: Second variational derivative of gauge-naturalinvariant Lagrangians conservation laws
D. Krupka, O. Krupkov\'a, W. Prince, W. Sarlet: Contact symmetries and variational sequences
D. Krupka, J. \v Sed\v enkov\'a: Variational sequences and Lepage forms
R. Matsyuk: Canonical formalism for quasi-classical particle ``Zitterbewegung''
J. M. Masqu\'e, E. Rosado: Covariant Hamiltonians for diffeomorphism-invariant Lagrangians on linear frame bundles