The Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets, already in its 53rd edition, will be organized by the Prague group this year, and will be held in
Hotel Srní in the village of Srní in the Šumava (Böhmerwald) mountains.
Traditional topics include general algebra, universal algebra, lattice theory, and ordered algebraic structures, in particular those motivated by non-classical logics.
The central part of the program are four tutorials, each 2-3 lectures, addressing current research topics in general algebra and related fields.
Sections of contributed talks by the participants will be organized, too.
As usually, lectures will be held in the mornings and in the evenings, leaving afternoons free to enjoy the beautiful surroundings of one of the highest villages in Southern Bohemia.
A day off for a hiking or sightseeing trip is planned in the middle of the conference (probably Tuesday).
- Important dates
- Registration & payment deadline: June 15
- Abstract deadline: August 1
- Bus leaves from Prague: August 29, probably 16:00
- Conference: August 29 (dinner) - September 4 (breakfast)
- Bus returns to Prague: September 4, early afternoon
- Location
- Hotel Srní, Czech Republic
- Conference e-mail
- ssaos
The website of the 2008 edition can be found here.