Thank You for the new version. I looked into it and this time found it almost unreadable and not well formulated. To be specific, 1) For example, it is written that the indices {i_1,...,i_k;j_1,...,j_l} are from {1,...,k+l}. How this could be, if each index i_? and j_? have its value in {1,...,n} (with n dimension of V)? 2) I started to read+understand the text from the middle page 4 up to page 7. It is not explained, why there appears some four cases or possibilities. What they are, where they come from? For example, page 5, Cases 3 and 4. The second coefficients A' with (j_r first, then after ";" i_l) have the value - (-q)^{(r-1)(l-1)+r+t(s-l)} for i_l