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The Cantor 1/5-discontinuum C5 is created using the
procedure of deleting the second and the fourth segments
from five equal segments (instead of the middle third for
the Cantor Ternary Set). C5 is the set of the reals in
the unit interval which can be represented without 1-s and
3-s in the form
The Double Buckethandle continuum is the union of:
(i) the half circles in the lower plane going
through points of
with the centre ,
(ii) the half circles in the upper plane going
through points of
with the centre
We can find more in [55, p.205 - p.206].
Figure (
Double Buckethandle
Figure (
Double Buckethandle
Source files:
a.eps .
a.gif .
b.eps .
b.gif .
example.htm .
figure.mws .
figureb.mws .
latex.tex .
title.txt .
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Janusz J. Charatonik, Pawel Krupski and Pavel Pyrih