lecture NMMO403
Something to read...
- Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method: The FEniCS Book, A. Logg et al. [full pdf]
- FEniCSx/FEniCS - FEniCS project
- Official FEniCS tutorial, Refference documetnation: 2019.1.0 - python
- → Our own FEniCS tutorial
- Behind FEniCS... Petsc, trilinos
- Next developement... FEniCSx, Firedrake
- On top of FEniCS... CBC, RBniCS, multiphenics, FEniCS shells, phaseflow-fenics, ...
- Other amazing projects: Freefem, Deal.ii, Elmer, openFOAM, MFEM, MoFEM, ...
Lecture 0 - introduction to python
Lecture 1 - introduction to FEniCS
Lecture 2 - Heat equation
Lecture 3 - convection-diffusion equation
- SUPG and IP stabilizations
- GLS formulation
- image as initial data
Lecture 4 - Navier-Stokes equation
- flow around cylinder benchmark
Lecture 5 - Navier-Stokes equation
- flow around cylinder benchmark, asymptotic tests
Lecture 6 - solvers
- problem and solver clases
- linear algebra backends
Lecture 7 - elasticity
- linear and nonlinear elasticity
Exam tasks pool....
- Anisotropic diffusion benchmark tests [ pdf ]
- NIST set of 2D simple benchmarks with various difficulties [ pdf ]
- DFG benchmark for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (DFG) [ pdf ]
- The Aerodynamics of Letters
- Heated cavity benchmark (MIT) [ pdf ] or Rayleigh–Bénard convection [ pdf]
- Rising Bubble benchmark [ pdf ]
- Levelset implementation for free surface problems.
D. Lindbo, Finite Element Computations for a Conservative Level Set Method Applied to Two-Phase Stokes Flow, 2006.
- Lava lamp simulation, another Lava lamp setup
- Various hydrodynamic problems: Flow in Tesla valve, wikipedia, Optimization of Tesla valve
Fluid control devices, Fluidics, Fluid computers, FLODAC: a pure fluid digital computer
- Flow in Venturi pipe
- Eigenvalues and musical instruments or here
- Image processing: Noise removal by PDE, Image segmentation by level-set method
- Blankenbach benchmark for mantle convection
- Elder problem - flow in porous media
- Pattern formation problems (Grey-Scott model) Complex Patterns in a Simple System, Reaction-Diffusion by the Gray-Scott Model: Pearson's Parametrization
- Epidemic models with spatial diffusion wikipedia: Reaction–diffusion system [ Localized outbreaks in an S-I-R model with diffusion, A fully adaptive numerical approximation for a two-dimensional epidemic model with nonlinear cross-diffusion ]