MFF: Personal identifiers

Choose your name

Click the Author field, enter the first few letters of your last name and select the line with your name. Klikněte do políčka Autor, zadejte prvních pár písmen Vašeho příjmení a vyberte řádek se svým jménem.

Enter your IDs

Check the option "enter my identifiers" and fill in your Personal number (UKČO), password, ORCID ID, ResearcherID and SCOPUS ID into the white box which shows up (optionally you can also fill in the Google Scholar ID and MR Author ID if you have one).

Save the data to the database

After filling in the data, click the "Save" button. A preview of the saved data is displayed.

Problems with filling the form?

Don't you find your name?

If you do not find your name in the authors list, contact me and I will add your name to the list.
Do not forget to include in the email:
1) your full name, incl. titles
2) your personal name (UKČO)
3) your main department

Don't you have Scopus ID?

If you have not yet published any article in Scopus, and thus you do not have any Scopus ID, fill in all zeros (i.e. 00000000000) in the appropriate box.
1st step: Finding the author
  Zadejte několik počátečních písmen Vašeho jména
a vyberte se ze seznamu.
I want to:
enter my identifiers
 When you want to save your IDs for the first time.
edit my identifiers
 When you want to edit an existing or add a missing IDs.
show my identifiers
 When you want to look back, what IDs did you fill out.