It is by some supposed, that our owles,
By Day-time, are no perfect-sighted Fowles;
And, that, the more you doe augment the light,
The more you shall deprive them of their sight.
Nor Candles, Torches, nor the Sunne at noone,
Nor Spectacles, nor all of these in one
Can make an Owlet in the day-time see,
Though none, by night, hath better eyes than shee.
This Emblem, therefore, sets their blindnesse forth,
Who cannot see, when an apparant worth
Illustrates vertuous Men; yet, seeme to spie
Those faults, wherewith ill-willers them belie.
The blindnesse, also, well it may declare,
Of Heretikes, who Eagle-sighted are,
In Sophistries, and in cloudie night,
Of those darke Errors, which delude the sight;
Yet, cannot see the Rayes of Truth divine,
Though, brighter than the Day-light, shee doth shine.
It, likewise, very fitly typifies,
Those, in our dayes, who spie out mysteries,
Beyond the Moone; yet, cannot gaine the view
Of that, which common Reason proveth true:
And, therefore, onely, crie it madly downe,
Because, by Reasons light, it may be knowne.
These, when 'twas offred first, the light refused;
And, they have now the darknesse which they choosed.
Till, therefore, God shall offer Grace againe,
Man strives to set up Lights to these in vaine:
For, what are Lights to those, who blinded bee?
Or, who so blinde, as they that will not see?
Last modified: 06.11.2019 18:14:29