- Birthdate
- Born January 16, 1971 year in Slany (Czech Republic)
- Education
- Graduation from Prague High School (Gymnazium W. Piecka, Praha),
1989 year
- Master degree,
Graduation in Mathematical Modelling, Charles University, Prague,
1994 year
- PhD. study,
Mathematical Modellig, Charles University, Prague and
in Mechanic, Universite Mediterranee, Marseille, 1998 year
- Positions
- Ph.D. student, Departement of Numerical Mathematics of
Charles University and I.R.P.H.E., Universite Mediterranee, Marseille,
1994 -1998 years
- assistant professor,
Charles University Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Department of Numerical Mathematics,
- visiting professor,
Universite de Provence, Marseille, France
2004 (1 month)
- CNRS researcher,
Universite de Provence, Marseille, France
2004 (4 months)
- associate professor,
Charles University Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Department of Numerical Mathematics,
2004 - 2012
- head of the Department of Numerical Mathematics,
Charles University Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
2006 -2014
- full professor,
Charles University Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Department of Numerical Mathematics,
from 2012
Publications, stays, lectures, grants
complete list is here