Vít Dolejší

Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Department of Numerical Mathematics
Sokolovska 83
186 75 Praha 8 - Karlin
Czech Republic

Tel. : [+420] 2 2191 3373
Fax : [+420] 2 2481 1036
e-mail: vit{dot}dolejsi{at}matfyz{dot}cuni{dot}cz
URL: http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~dolejsi

Scientific activities:

Numerical methods for partial differential equations with applications in fluid dynamics

Curriculum vitae - Short professional CV

List of publications in MathSciNet - acces limited

List of publications in ZBMATH Database - acces limited

List of publications in SCOPUS - acces limited

List of publications in Google scholar - list of publication including citations with links

Main publications - with pdf files to download

Public software - Freely available software concerning CFD

Some results - A few examples of our numerical results

Lectures - Several lectures concerning the numerical simulation of compressible flow

Projects - some projects (GACR)

Proděkan pro matematickou sekci (Vice-Dean for Mathematics)

Education - Výuka - some lecture notes