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Workshop on Geometrical Analysis
dedicated to the 60th birthday of Jan Maly

Prague (Czech Republic), September 18 - September 20, 2015
Invited Speakers
Luigi Ambrosio (SNS Pisa): Characterizations of sets of finite perimeter: old and recent results
Jana Bjorn (Linkoping University): Boundary regularity for quasiminimizers (pdf file)
Bernard Dacorogna (EPFL, Lausanne): Symplectic decomposition, Darboux theorem and ellipticity (pdf file)
Irene Fonseca (Mellon College of Science University, Pittsburg): Second Order Gamma-Convergence for the Modica Mortola Functional (pdf file)
Piotr Hajlasz (University of Pittsburgh): Homeomorphisms whose Jacobain can change sign
Pekka Koskela (University of Jyvaskyla): Luzin's condition (N)
Jaroslav Lukes (Charles University in Prague): Jan Maly
Olli Martio (University of Helsinki): Modulus method and BV functions
Jani Onninen (University of Jyvaskyla): Monotone Sobolev mappings of planar domains
Lubos Pick (Charles University in Prague): Questions and remarks
Ludek Zajicek (Charles University in Prague): Smoothness via directional smoothness and Marchaud's theorem (pdf file)

Warning: according to the limited capacity of the lecture room the registration is no longer possible.
Last change: August 28, 2015 by Robert Cerny