Marek Biskup (University of California, Los Angeles) Gibbs distributions on permutations over integers Abstract: I will discuss a problem that I learned from Daniel Ueltschi some 3 years ago. Consider a probability distribution on the set of all permutations of the integers that weighs a permutation by the exponential of the negative sum of the squares of the displacements between the integers and their images under the permutation. This problem arises as a caricature to Feynman's representation of interacting Bose gases. I will show how to formalize the above description in terms of infinite-volume Gibbs measures and then provide a full classification of all such measures by means of the quantity called a flux. In particular, all Gibbs measures are translation invariant and there is exactly one that has only finite cycles, almost surely. The talk is based on joint work -- and a paper under preparation -- with Thomas Richthammer (UCLA).