INSURANCE Data: District Group Age Holders Claims 1 1 <1l <25 197 38 2 1 <1l 25-29 264 35 3 1 <1l 30-35 246 20 4 1 <1l >35 1680 156 5 1 1-1.5l <25 284 63 6 1 1-1.5l 25-29 536 84 7 1 1-1.5l 30-35 696 89 8 1 1-1.5l >35 3582 400 9 1 1.5-2l <25 133 19 10 1 1.5-2l 25-29 286 52 11 1 1.5-2l 30-35 355 74 12 1 1.5-2l >35 1640 233 13 1 >2l <25 24 4 14 1 >2l 25-29 71 18 15 1 >2l 30-35 99 19 16 1 >2l >35 452 77 17 2 <1l <25 85 22 18 2 <1l 25-29 139 19 19 2 <1l 30-35 151 22 20 2 <1l >35 931 87 21 2 1-1.5l <25 149 25 22 2 1-1.5l 25-29 313 51 23 2 1-1.5l 30-35 419 49 24 2 1-1.5l >35 2443 290 25 2 1.5-2l <25 66 14 26 2 1.5-2l 25-29 175 46 27 2 1.5-2l 30-35 221 39 28 2 1.5-2l >35 1110 143 29 2 >2l <25 9 4 30 2 >2l 25-29 48 15 31 2 >2l 30-35 72 12 32 2 >2l >35 322 53 33 3 <1l <25 35 5 34 3 <1l 25-29 73 11 35 3 <1l 30-35 89 10 36 3 <1l >35 648 67 37 3 1-1.5l <25 53 10 38 3 1-1.5l 25-29 155 24 39 3 1-1.5l 30-35 240 37 40 3 1-1.5l >35 1635 187 41 3 1.5-2l <25 24 8 42 3 1.5-2l 25-29 78 19 43 3 1.5-2l 30-35 121 24 44 3 1.5-2l >35 692 101 45 3 >2l <25 7 3 46 3 >2l 25-29 29 2 47 3 >2l 30-35 43 8 48 3 >2l >35 245 37 49 4 <1l <25 20 2 50 4 <1l 25-29 33 5 51 4 <1l 30-35 40 4 52 4 <1l >35 316 36 53 4 1-1.5l <25 31 7 54 4 1-1.5l 25-29 81 10 55 4 1-1.5l 30-35 122 22 56 4 1-1.5l >35 724 102 57 4 1.5-2l <25 18 5 58 4 1.5-2l 25-29 39 7 59 4 1.5-2l 30-35 68 16 60 4 1.5-2l >35 344 63 61 4 >2l <25 3 0 62 4 >2l 25-29 16 6 63 4 >2l 30-35 25 8 64 4 >2l >35 114 33 Description: The data consist of the numbers of policyholders of an insurance company who were exposed to risk, and the numbers of car insurance claims made by those policyholders in the third quarter of 1973. Format: - District factor: district of residence of policyholder (1 to 4): 4 is major cities. - Group an ordered factor: group of car with levels <1 litre, 1–1.5 litre, 1.5–2 litre, >2 litre. - Age an ordered factor: the age of the insured in 4 groups labelled <25, 25–29, 30–35, >35. - Holders numbers of policyholders. - Claims numbers of claims Task: Model the number of claims.