Interval regression

Interval regression is used to model outcomes that have interval censoring. In other words, you know the ordered category into which each observation falls, but you do not know the exact value of the observation. Interval regression is a generalization of censored regression.

## Loading required package: splines

Examples of interval regression

GPA data

Let's pursue Example 3 from above. We have a hypothetical data file, intreg_data.dta with 30 observations. The GPA score is represented by two values, the lower interval score (lgpa) and the upper interval score (ugpa). The writing test scores, the teacher rating and the type of program (a nominal variable which has three levels) are write, rating and type, respectively. Let's look at the data. It is always a good idea to start with descriptive statistics.

dat <- read.dta("")

# summary of the variables
##        id             lgpa          ugpa           write      
##  Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :0.0   Min.   :2.000   Min.   : 50.0  
##  1st Qu.: 8.25   1st Qu.:2.0   1st Qu.:2.500   1st Qu.: 70.0  
##  Median :15.50   Median :2.5   Median :3.000   Median :105.0  
##  Mean   :15.50   Mean   :2.6   Mean   :3.097   Mean   :113.8  
##  3rd Qu.:22.75   3rd Qu.:3.3   3rd Qu.:3.700   3rd Qu.:153.8  
##  Max.   :30.00   Max.   :3.8   Max.   :4.000   Max.   :205.0  
##      rating              type   
##  Min.   :48.00   vocational: 8  
##  1st Qu.:51.62   general   :10  
##  Median :54.00   academic  :12  
##  Mean   :57.53                  
##  3rd Qu.:66.25                  
##  Max.   :72.00

# bivariate plots
ggpairs(dat[, -1], lower = list(combo = "box"), upper = list(combo = "blank"))

plot of chunk interval-pairs
Note that there are two GPA responses for each observation, lgpa for the lower end of the interval and ugpa for the upper end. We can compare the means of the variables by each type of program using by.

by(dat[, 2:5], dat$type, colMeans, na.rm = TRUE)
## dat$type: vocational
##    lgpa    ugpa   write  rating 
##  1.7500  2.4375 71.8750 52.5000 
## -------------------------------------------------------- 
## dat$type: general
##   lgpa   ugpa  write rating 
##   2.78   3.24 148.00  56.80 
## -------------------------------------------------------- 
## dat$type: academic
##       lgpa       ugpa      write     rating 
##   3.016667   3.416667 113.333333  61.500000

Analysis methods you might consider

Below is a list of some analysis methods you may have encountered. Some of the methods listed are quite reasonable, while others have either fallen out of favor or have limitations.

Interval regression modeling

We will use the survival package to run the interval regression. First we setup a survival object that contains the censored intervals using the Surv function. Note the special event status code, 3, used for all observations indicating that all had interval censoring. Then we estimate the model using the survreg function.

# setup the survival object with interval censoring
(Y <- with(dat, Surv(lgpa, ugpa, event = rep(3, nrow(dat)), type = "interval")))
##  [1] [2.5, 3.0] [3.4, 3.8] [2.5, 3.0] [0.0, 2.0] [3.0, 3.4] [3.4, 3.8]
##  [7] [3.8, 4.0] [2.0, 2.5] [3.0, 3.4] [3.4, 3.8] [2.0, 2.5] [2.0, 2.5]
## [13] [2.0, 2.5] [2.5, 3.0] [2.5, 3.0] [2.5, 3.0] [3.4, 3.8] [2.5, 3.0]
## [19] [2.0, 2.5] [3.0, 3.4] [3.4, 3.8] [3.8, 4.0] [2.0, 2.5] [3.0, 3.4]
## [25] [3.4, 3.8] [2.0, 2.5] [2.0, 2.5] [2.0, 2.5] [2.5, 3.0] [2.5, 3.0]

m <- survreg(Y ~ write + rating + type, data = dat, dist = "gaussian")

## Call:
## survreg(formula = Y ~ write + rating + type, data = dat, dist = "gaussian")
##                 Value Std. Error     z        p
## (Intercept)   1.10386    0.44529  2.48 1.32e-02
## write         0.00528    0.00169  3.12 1.79e-03
## rating        0.01331    0.00912  1.46 1.44e-01
## typegeneral   0.37485    0.19275  1.94 5.18e-02
## typeacademic  0.70975    0.16684  4.25 2.10e-05
## Log(scale)   -1.23726    0.15964 -7.75 9.17e-15
## Scale= 0.29 
## Gaussian distribution
## Loglik(model)= -33.1   Loglik(intercept only)= -51.7
##  Chisq= 37.24 on 4 degrees of freedom, p= 1.6e-07 
## Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
## n= 30

We can get a test of the overall effect of type by examining an analysis of deviance table, which reports the sequential deviances (-2*LL) adding one term at a time.

# analysis of deviance table
##        Df Deviance Resid. Df     -2*LL     Pr(>Chi)
## NULL   NA       NA        28 103.49458           NA
## write   1 16.68911        27  86.80546 0.0000440330
## rating  1  6.09718        26  80.70828 0.0135397767
## type    2 14.45047        24  66.25781 0.0007279805

The two degree of freedom test for type indicates that it is statistically significant.

Now let's make a 3d plot of the data and the predicted regression planes. We will put the two continuous predictors on the X and Y axis, and the outcome on the Z axis. Then we will use different colours to code the program type. To do this, we will use the rgl package. Finally because it is difficult to see a 3d image in two dimensions, let's make it an animated image so we can see it from different angles. For the final part, the free software, ImageMagick is used by the rgl package behind the scenes.

# for the regression surface
f <- function(x, y, type = "vocational") {
    newdat <- data.frame(write = x, rating = y, type = factor(type, levels = levels(dat$type)))
    predict(m, newdata = newdat)

# Create X, Y, and Z grids
X <- with(dat, seq(from = min(write), to = max(write), length.out = 10))
Y <- with(dat, seq(from = min(rating), to = max(rating), length.out = 10))
Z <- outer(X, Y, f)

# Create 3d scatter plot and add the regression surface
open3d(windowRect = c(100, 100, 700, 700))
## glX 
##   1

with(dat, plot3d(x = write, y = rating, z = ugpa, xlab = "write", ylab = "rating", 
    zlab = "ugpa", xlim = range(write), ylim = range(rating), zlim = range(ugpa)))
par3d(ignoreExtent = TRUE)

# add regression surface for each type of program in a different colour
# with 50 percent transparency (alpha = .5)
surface3d(X, Y, outer(X, Y, f, type = "vocational"), col = "blue", alpha = 0.5)
surface3d(X, Y, outer(X, Y, f, type = "general"), col = "red", alpha = 0.5)
surface3d(X, Y, outer(X, Y, f, type = "academic"), col = "green", alpha = 0.5)

# create an animated movie
#### movie3d(spin3d(axis=c(.5,.5,.5), rpm=5), 
####  duration=6 , dir = '~/prednasky/NMFM404/figure/')


It is not a true \(R^2\), but we can get a rough idea by computing the correlation between the expected values from the model and the lower and upper bounds of gpa, lgpa and ugpa. Then the squared correlation is something like an \(R^2\).

(r <- with(dat, cor(cbind(yhat = predict(m), lgpa, ugpa))))
##           yhat      lgpa      ugpa
## yhat 1.0000000 0.7945804 0.8430154
## lgpa 0.7945804 1.0000000 0.9487806
## ugpa 0.8430154 0.9487806 1.0000000
# pseudo R2
##           yhat      lgpa      ugpa
## yhat 1.0000000 0.6313580 0.7106749
## lgpa 0.6313580 1.0000000 0.9001847
## ugpa 0.7106749 0.9001847 1.0000000
