$\def\Csp{\text{CSP}}$ $\def\Pol{\text{Pol}}$ $\def\End{\text{End}}$ $\def\Inv{\text{Inv}}$ $\def\Aut{\text{Aut}}$ $\def\Age{\text{Age}}$

Topology is relevant
(in a dichotomy conjecture for infinite-domain CSPs)

Antoine Mottet

LICS 2019


Joint work with Bodirsky, Olšák, Opršal, Pinsker, Willard.

... of finite structures
... of infinite structures

Constraint Satisfaction Problems

CSP($\Bbb A$)
  • Input: a finite structure $\Bbb X$,
  • Question: is there a homomorphism $\Bbb X\to \Bbb A$?
\[h\colon X\to A, (x_1,\dots,x_k)\in R^{\Bbb X}\Rightarrow (h(x_1),\dots,h(x_k))\in R^{\Bbb A}\]



The algebraic method works, what else could it be useful for?
  • Promise problems ("hottest" topic),
  • Counting,
  • Optimisation,
  • More decision problems: infinite-domain CSPs.


$\Bbb G=(V,E)$, $f\colon V^n\to V$ is a polymorphism of $\Bbb G$ if
Polymorphisms combine solutions: if $h_1,\dots,h_n\colon \Bbb X\to \Bbb A$ are homomorphisms, $x\mapsto f(h_1(x),\dots,h_n(x))$ is a homomorphism $\Bbb X\to\Bbb A$.
If $\Bbb A$ has good polymorphisms, every instance has a symmetric solution set.

Algebraic Reductions

Assume we are talking about finite structures.
If the map preserves flat identities, then $\Csp(\Bbb B)$ reduces to $\Csp(\Bbb A)$.
Bulatov, Jeavons, Krokhin (2000): all known NP-hard finite $\Csp(\Bbb A)$ are such that $\Pol(\Bbb A)\to\Pol(SAT)$.

The Finite-Domain Dichotomy

Step 1: identify the P/NP-hard borderline
Conjecture (2000) / Theorem (2017)
$\Bbb A$ finite structure. Exactly one of the following holds:
  • $\Pol(\Bbb A)\to\Pol(SAT)$ and $\Csp(\Bbb A)$ is NP-complete,
  • $\Pol(\Bbb A)\not\to\Pol(SAT)$ and $\Csp(\Bbb A)$ is in P.
Step 2: reformulate the borderline
$\Bbb A$ finite structure. Are equivalent:
  • $\Pol(\Bbb A)\not\to\Pol(SAT)$
  • $\Pol(\Bbb A)$ contains functions that satisfy some nontrivial equations
  • $\exists f\in\Pol(\Bbb A)$ s.t. $f(y,x,\dots,x) = f(x,y,x,\dots,x) =\dots = f(x,\dots,x,y)$
  • $\exists s\in\Pol(\Bbb A)$ s.t. $s(r,a,r,e) = s(a,r,e,a).$
Infinite-domain CSPs:
  • Step 0: identify the scope,
  • Step 1: identify the borderline,
  • Step 2: find a workable version of the borderline.

Step 0: Scope

Bodirsky-Pinsker (~2011): structures definable over a finitely bounded homogeneous template ($(\Bbb N;=)$, homogeneous graphs, $(\Bbb Q;\lt)$, ...)
  • Contains all finite-domain CSPs,
  • All such CSPs are in NP,
  • Does not seem to allow for Ladner-like arguments,
  • $\omega$-categorical, in particular polymorphisms still capture complexity.

Step 1: the dividing line

Conjecture [Barto, Opršal, Pinsker]
$\Bbb A$ definable over a finitely bounded homogeneous structure.
  • $\Pol(\Bbb A)\to\Pol(SAT)$ uniformly continuously and $\Csp(\Bbb A)$ is NP-complete,
  • $\Pol(\Bbb A)\mathrel{\rlap{\hskip .5em/}}\overset{u.c.}{\longrightarrow}\Pol(SAT)$ and $\Csp(\Bbb A)$ is in P.
Ways to make the conjecture easier to work with:
  • Is there a weakest system of nontrivial flat equations for such structures?
  • Can topology be dropped in the statement?

No weakest system of nontrivial flat equations

If $\Bbb A$ contains a triangle and $\Pol(\Bbb A)$ satisfies $\Sigma_{\Bbb G}$, then $\Bbb A$ contains $\Bbb G$.
Theorem [Cherlin, Shelah, Shi]
For every finite connected $\Bbb G$, there exists a nice structure $\Bbb A$ such that $\Bbb X\to\Bbb A$ iff $\Bbb G\mathrel{\rlap{\hskip .5em/}}{\rightarrow} \Bbb X$.
Theorem [BMOOPW]
One cannot replace $\Pol(\Bbb A)\mathrel{\rlap{\hskip .5em/}}\overset{u.c.}{\longrightarrow}\Pol(SAT)$ by some equations in the statement of the dichotomy.

Topology is relevant

Conjecture [Barto, Opršal, Pinsker]
$\Bbb A$ definable over a finitely bounded homogeneous structure.
  • $\Pol(\Bbb A)\to\Pol(SAT)$ uniformly continuously and $\Csp(\Bbb A)$ is NP-complete,
  • $\Pol(\Bbb A)\mathrel{\rlap{\hskip .5em/}}\overset{u.c.}{\longrightarrow}\Pol(SAT)$ and $\Csp(\Bbb A)$ is in P.
Theorem [BMOOPW]
There exists an $\omega$-categorical structure such that $\Pol(\Bbb A)\mathrel{\rlap{\hskip .5em/}}\overset{u.c.}{\longrightarrow}\Pol(SAT)$ and $\Pol(\Bbb A)\longrightarrow\Pol(SAT)$.

Relevance of topology: what's going on?