1. On the mixed boundary value problem of the theory of analytic functions (Czech),
    Časopis Pěst. Mat. 91 (1966), 320 - 336 . (MR 34 #6113)
  2. Connection of a cyclic and radial variation of a path with its length and bend (Czech) (with J.Štulc) Časopis Pěst. Mat. 93 (1968), 80 - 116. (MR 39 #384)
  3. On the limits of the potential of the double distribution [preliminary communication] ,
    Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 10 (1969), 189 - 194 . (MR 40 #2896)
  4. Some properties of the double-layer potentials (Czech), Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Praha (1969), 1 - 70 .
  5. Angular limits of double-layer potentials (Czech), Časopis Pěst. Mat. 95 (1970), 379 - 401.
    (MR 52 3558)
  6. On the heat potential of the double distribution, Časopis Pěst. Mat. 98 (1973), 181 - 198 .
    (MR 48 2410)
  7. Some properties of a generalized heat potential, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 15 (1974),
    357 - 360 . (MR 58 7815)
  8. Some remarks on Dirichlet problem (in: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Potential Theory (ed.J.Král), Academia, Praha 1975, 125 - 132 . (MR 58 1192)
  9. On a Generalized Heat Potential, Czechoslovak Math. J. 25 (1975), 404 - 423. (MR 52 11086)
  10. Henri Lebesgue (on the occasion of 100th anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 20 (1975), 301 - 307 . (MR 58 10199)
  11. Bernhard Riemann (on the occasion of 150th} anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 21 (1976), 143 - 149. (MR 58 10200)
  12. Ivar Fredholm and the origins of functional analysis (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 22 (1977), 10 - 21. (MR 58 27081)
  13. Gosta Mittag-Leffler (on the fiftieth anniversary of his death) (Czech) (with I.Netuka) Pokroky
    Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 22 (1977), 241--245. (MR 58 4947)
  14. An inequality for finite sums in Rm (with I.Netuka), Časopis Pěst. Mat. 103 (1978), 73 - 77.
    (MR 58 1062)
  15. Harmonic continuation and removable singularities in the axiomatic potential theory (with I.Netuka), Math. Ann. 234 (1978), 117 - 123. (MR 58 1210)
  16. The Dirichlet problem and the Keldyš theorem (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 24 (1979), 77 - 88. (MR 82f: 01126)
  17. Regions of harmonicity, (with I.Netuka), Amer. Math. Monthly 87 (1980), 203 - 205. (MR 81f: 31008)
  18. Sequence Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem [preliminary communication], Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 20 (1979), 193.
  19. Sequence Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem, Časopis Pěst. Mat. 106 (1981), 84 - 93. (MR 83h: 31012)
  20. Dirichlet Problem in the Theory of Harmonic Kernels, Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Praha 1979, 1 - 111.
  21. F.Riesz and the mathematics of the twentieth century (Czech), (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 25 (1980), 128 - 138. (MR 83g: 01077)
  22. Bolzano's function (Czech), Rozhledy mat. fyz. 60 (1981), 251 - 254.
  23. Integral equations in potential theory (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 28 (1983), 22 - 38. (MR 85b: 31001)
  24. Restricted Mean Value Property in Axiomatic Potential Theory , Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 23 (1982), 613 - 628. (MR 84c: 31010)
  25. Some Aspects of Modern Potential Theory, Recent Trends in Mathematics, Teubner-Texte zur Math. B 50, Teubner, Leipzig 1983, 284 - 293.
  26. Eduard Helly, convexity and functional analysis (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz.
    Astronom. 29 (1984), 301 - 312. (MR 86e: 01025)
  27. On harmonic functions (solution of the problem 6393 [1982, 502] proposed by G.A.Edgar) (with I.Netuka), Amer. Math. Monthly 91 (1984), 61 - 62.
  28. Summation of Divergent Series (Czech) (in: Světonázorová výchova v matematice, Jednota čs. matematiků a fyziků, Praha 1987, 169 - 186.
  29. Remarks on Mathematical Analysis as Part of Studies of Intending Teachers (in: Proceedings of the Conference on Didactical Problems in the University Education of Mathematics Teachers), Charles University, Praha 1987, 231 - 236.
  30. Recollection of Professor Marcel Brelot (Czech) (with J.Král, J.Lukeš and I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 33 (1988), 170 - 173. (MR 89h:01071)
  31. Potential Theory: Surveys and Problems (Editor with J.Král, J.Lukeš and I.Netuka), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1344, Springer - Verlag, Berlin, 1988.
  32. Proceeding of the Conference on Potential Theory, Praha, 1987, (Editor with J.Král, J.Lukeš and I.Netuka), Plenum Press, New York, 1988.
  33. Mathematical Analysis: When, Why and What, (in: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Didactical Problems in the University Education of Mathematics Teachers, Charles University, Praha 1989, 127 - 133.
  34. Professor Ilja Černý (on the occasion of 60th anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Časopis Pěst. Mat.} 114 (1989), 311 - 315. (MR 90j: 01092)
  35. Mathematical Texts and Personal Computers (Czech) (with O.Ulrych and J.Vosmanský), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 35 (1990), 1 - 12.
  36. Problems No. 3, 9 and 13, Problem Section, in: Potential Theory, Copenhagen, 1979, (Proceedings), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 787, Springer - Verlag, Berlin, 1980, 316 - 319.
  37. On the theorem of Fermat (Czech), Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální 69 (1990/91), 323 - 325.
  38. Professor Jan Mařík (on the occasion of 70th anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 36 (1991), 125 - 126. (MR 1146849)
  39. Sixty Years of Josef Král (on the ocassion of 60th anniversary of birth) (with J.Lukeš and I.Netuka), Czechoslovak Math. J. 41 (1991), 751 - 765. (MR 92h: 01059)
  40. Sixty Years of Josef Král (on the ocassion of 60th anniversary of birth) (Czech) (with J.Lukeš and I.Netuka), Math. Bohemica (Časopis Pěst. Mat.) 116 (1991), 425 - 438. (MR 92m: 01068)
  41. Remarks on the course of Mathematical Analysis (Czech), Celostátní seminář kateder matematiky fakult připravujících učitele matematiky 6.-8.9.1993, UJEP, Ústí/L. 1993, 5 - 27.
  42. Mean Value Property and Harmonic Functions (with I.Netuka) ( In: Classical and Modern Potential Theory and Applications NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers), Dordrecht 1994, 359 - 398. (MR 96c: 31001)
  43. Martin Compactification for Discrete Potential Theory and the Mean Value Property (with A.Cornea), Potential Analysis 4 (1995), 547 - 569. (MR 96k: 31005)
  44. Is there a king's road to exponential and logarithmic function? (Czech, content of the lecture), 5. setkání matematiků všech typů a stupňů škol, Mariánské Lázně 2.-4.11.1995, Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků, Plzeň 1995, 13 - 17.
  45. Teaching activities of Jan Mařík, Mathematica Bohemica (Časopis Pěst. Mat.) 121 (1996), 337 - 347. (MR 97m: 01088)
  46. Pi or 3.14159... (I,II) (Czech), Učitel matematiky 3 (1996), č.3, 1 - 10, č.4, 1 - 13.
  47. Is there a kings road to exponential and logarithmic function? (I,II) (Czech), Učitel matematiky 4 (1996), č.2, 65 - 80, č.3, 129 - 145.
  48. Remarks on the history of function gamma (Czech), in: Člověk - umění - matematika (edit. Bečvář, J., Fuchs, E.), Prometheus, Praha 1996, 49 - 71.
  49. Golden section and some related things I, II (Czech), Učitel matematiky 6 (1998), č.3, 153 - 158, a 7 (1999), č.1, 14 - 24.
  50. Recent results on number Pi (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 43 (1998), 217 - 236.
  51. On sumability of series I, II (Czech), Učitel matematiky 7 (1999), č.3, 137 - 145, a č.4, 201 - 206.
  52. Pedagogical activities of Vojtěch Jarnik, in: Life and work of Vojtěch Jarnik (edit. Novák, B.), Society of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, Prometheus, Praha 1999, 83 - 94.
  53. Generating functions (with P. Trojovský), (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 45 (2000), 7 - 35.
  54. Choquet's theory and the Dirichlet problem (with J. Lukeš and I. Netuka), (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 45 (2000), 98 - 124.
  55. Centenary of the Baire category theorem (with I. Netuka), (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 45 (2000), 232 - 256.
  56. Remarks on Gamma function, in: Jubilee kateder matematiky TUL 2000 (edit. Vild, J.),
    Technická univerzita Liberec, Liberec 2000, 91 - 96.
  57. Seminar on mathematical analysis 1967 - 2001 (Editor with M. Dont, J. Lukeš and I. Netuka), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Praha 2001.
  58. Professor Gustave Choquet Doctor Universitatis Carolinae Honoris Causa Creatus (Editor with J. Lukeš and I. Netuka), Matfyzpress, Praha 2002.
  59. Choquet's theory of capacities (with J. Lukeš and I. Netuka), (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 47 (2002), 265-279.
  60. Choquet's theory and the Dirichlet problem (with J. Lukeš and I. Netuka; translation of (55)), Expositiones Math. 20 (2002), 229-254. (MR 2003i: 31001)
  61. Weierstrass approximation theorem (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 47 (2002), 181-190.
  62. Weierstrass' theorem before Weierstrass, written for HAT (2003), http://www.math.technion.ac.il/hat/articles.html
  63. Sixty years of Ivan Netuka (with J. Král), Mathematica Bohemica 129 (2004), 91-107. (MR 2048789)
  64. Mathematical work of Nicu Boboc, Fifty years of Modern potential theory in Bucharest, Institute of Mathematics of Simion Stoilov of Romanian Academy, Bucharest 2004, 3-21.
  65. In memory of Josef Král, Czech. Math. Journal 56 (131) (2006), 1063-1083
  66. A Fourierian anniversary (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 52 (2007), 282-295
  67. Life and work of Aurel Cornea, Potential Theory and Stochastics in Albac, XVII-XXVI (Theta 2009)
  68. Euler from another viewpoint, (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 58 (2013), 301 - 310.



Texts for students (only in Czech)

  1. Problems in mathematical analysis, Charles University, Praha, 1970; SPN, Praha, 1972 , (Coauthor)
  2. Problems in mathematical analysis III, Charles University, Praha, 1972, (with I.Netuka)
  3. Problems in functional analysis, MFF UK, Praha, 1972, (with I.Netuka)
  4. Potential theory II, SPN, Praha, 1972, (with J.Král and I.Netuka)
  5. Potential theory III, SPN, Praha, 1976, (with J.Král and I.Netuka)
  6. Potential theory IV, SPN, Praha, 1977, (with J.Král and I.Netuka)
  7. Problems in mathematical analysis (Measure and integration), MFF UK, Praha, 1982, (with I.Netuka)
  8. Philosophical problems of mathematics III, SPN, Praha, 1985, (Coauthor)
  9. Mathematical analysis for prospective teachers - Matematická analýza pro učitele, Matfyzpress, Praha 1997, 2nd ed. 2001
  10. Complex analysis for prospective teachers - Komplexní analýza pro učitele, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Karolinum, Praha 2000
  11. Foundations of Mathematical Analysis I - Základy matematické analýzy I. Matfyzpress, Praha 2004. (Revised and enlarged version of Mathematical analysis for prospective teachers (see 9)
  12. Foundations of Mathematical Analysis II - Základy matematické analýzy II. Matfyzpress, Praha 2009. (Revised and enlarged version of Mathematical analysis for prospective teachers II (see 9).
  13. Ordinary (linear) differential equations and theier systems - Obyčejné (lineární) diferenciální rovnice a jejich systémy. Technická univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2012,  (with M. Brzezina)
  14. Introduction to complex analysis - Úvod do komplexní analýzy. Technická univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2012,  (with M. Brzezina)
  15. Fourier series - Fourierovy řady. Technická univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2013,  (with M. Brzezina)
  16. Some important numbers - Některá důležitá čísla, Technická univerzita v Liberci, Liberec 2013,  (with M. Brzezina)


Všeobecné publikace (mostly in Czech only)

  1. O přijímání posluchačů ke studiu na MFF, Matematika ve škole 18 (8), 459 - 462.
  2. Výzkumná zpráva pro VÚSTE (s M.Vlachem) [nepublikována tiskem]
  3. Ohlédnutí za soutěží ISTAM, (s J.Lukešem), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 26 (1981),
    292 - 293.
  4. Matematická soutěž vysokoškoláků, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 26 (1981), 293 - 294.
  5. Matematická soutěž vysokoškoláků MSV 81, (editor sborníku s I.Netukou), MFF UK, Praha 1981
  6. Matematická soutěž vysokoškoláků MSV 82, (editor sborníku s I.Netukou), MFF UK, Praha 1982
  7. II. ročník matematické soutěže vysokoškoláků, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 28 (1983), 48 - 49.
  8. Mezinárodní matematická soutěž ISTAM, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 29 (1984), 46 - 47.
  9. Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicist, (with L.Pátý), Jednota čs. matematiků a fyziků, Praha 1984
  10. Matematická soutěž vysokoškoláků MSV 85, (editor sborníku s I.Netukou), MFF UK, Praha 1985
  11. Pět ročníků matematické soutěže vysokoškoláků, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 31 (1986), 234 - 237.
  12. The Banach-Tarski Paradox (o knize S. Wagona), (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 32 (1987), 227 - 230. (MR 85i: 01024)
  13. Mezinárodní konference o teorii potenciálu (Praha), (s J. Králem, J. Lukešem a I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 33 (1988), 108 - 110.
  14. TeX - a program for DTP (Czech), Programy pro osobní počítače V., ČSVTS - FEL - ČVUT, Praha 1989, 142 - 147.
  15. TeX - typographical program for exacting users (Czech), Výpočetní technika na vysokých školách 12, 33 - 37.
  16. TeX - DTP programme for typographers (Czech) (with O.Ulrych), Typografia ()
  17. Mezinárodní konference o teorii potenciálu (Nagoya), (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 36 (1991)
  18. Ohlédnutí za Matematickou soutěží vysokoškoláků, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 36 (1991), 246
  19. Studium matematiky na německých univerzitách, (s J. Danešem a I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 36 (1991), 296 - 301.
  20. Koncepce vzdělávání v České republice (spoluautor), Učitelské noviny 94 (1991), č. 29
  21. Koncepce vzdělávání v České republice (spoluautor), zvláštní číslo časopisu M-F-I.
  22. TeX in Czechoslovakia, TUGboat 12 (1991), č., ? - ?
  23. Jak na to ? TeXbulletin 1 (1991) č. 3, 27 - 32.
  24. Kdo je to: The Grand Wizard, TeXbulletin 2 (1992), č. 1, 27 - 28.
  25. Tabulky v plaintexu, TeXbulletin 3 (1993), č.1, 10 - 23.
  26. Potential Theory - ICPT 94, Proceedings of the International Conference on Potential Theory held in Kouty, August 13 - 20, 1994 (Editor with J. Král, J. Lukeš and J. Veselý), W. de Gruyter, Berlin, 1996
  27. Rudin's textbooks on Mathematical Analysis (with I.Netuka), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 40 (1995), 11 - 17.
  28. Notes on Thesis in Didactics of Mathematics, in: Didactics, history, fundamentals of Mathematics, Proceedings of the seminar on PhD studies in the Czech Republic, Kostelec/Č.l., 22.-24.6.1995, MPS JČMF, 1996, 18 - 21.
  29. Seminar on Mathematical Analysis. Potential Theory and Related Topics (coeditor), MFF UK, Praha 1996
  30. Remarks on the history of the gamma function (Czech), in: Man - Art - mathematics, Dej. Math./Hist. Math. 4, Prometheus, Prague, 1996, 49 - 71. (MR 2003e: 01047) 
  31. On some important series (Czech), in: Man - Art - mathematics, Dej. Math./Hist. Math. 4, Prometheus, Prague, 1996, 137 - 154.
  32. On a small experiment with the name Pexider (Czech), in: Dějiny matematiky, Sv. 5, Ed. J. Bečvář, MVS JČMF, Praha, 1997, 61 - 64.
  33. Seventieth birthday of Prof. Ilja Černý ? (Czech) (with M. Brzezina) in: Jubilee kateder matematiky TUL 2000 (edit. Vild, J.), Technická univerzita Liberec, Liberec 2000, 6 - 7.
  34. Important jubilee of  I. Netuka  (Czech) (with M. Brzezina and J. Lukeš), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 49 (2004), 76 - 78.
  35. Memories on Professor Aurel Cornea (Czech) (with I. Netuka and J. Lukeš), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 50 (2005), 343-344.
  36. Digitalisation project DML-CZ (Czech) (with O. Ulrych),  Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 52 (2007), 260 - 261.
  37. An experiment with the name Pexider, in: Jan Vilém Pexider (1874 -- 1914), Matfyzpress, Prague 2009
  38. DML-CZ - presence and future, (Czech) (with O. Ulrych),  Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 54 (2009), 224 - 231..
  39. Several remarks on the history of  CSTUG, (Czech), Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu 19 (2009), 3 - 6 
  40. Remarks on the history of functional equations - Poznámky k historii funkcionálních rovnic  (Czech), in: Proceedings of the 31. conference of the History of Mathematics, Eds. J. Bečvář and Martina Bečvářová, Matfyzpress, Praha 2010, 29 - 50.
  41. A Mathematical Anniversary, Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Mathematica et Physica, Vol. 52, No.2, 3 - 6.
  42. One hundred years of the mathematics building in Prague, (Czech), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 57 (2012), 36 - 49.
  43. The Moscow Mathematical Society, Egorov and Luzin, (Czech),  Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 59 (2014), 319-334.
  44.  Mathematics and Second World War (Czech),  Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 61 (2016),  21-38.
  45. A Survey in l'Enseignement Mathématique and Matyáš Lerch, (Czech) (with L. Balková), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 61 (2016), 285 - 294.



  1. W.Rudin: Real and complex analysis, Academia, Praha, 1977 (translation into Czech with I.Netuka)  (MR 58 15765)
  2. S. J. Taylor: Pravidelnost náhodnosti, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 25 (1980), 28 - 34.
  3. H. Bauer: Aproximace a abstraktní hranice, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 26 (1981), 305 - 326.
  4. L. Zalcman: Netradiční integrální geometrie, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 27 (1982), 9 - 23. (MR 83f: 53052)
  5. S. Wagon: Kvadratura kruhu ve dvacátém století, (s I.Netukou), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 28 (1983), 320 - 328.
  6. S. G. Krantz: Matematika versus Computer Science. (s O.Kowalským), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 31 (1986), 108 - 111.
  7. M. Bridger: Ještě jednou o matematice a Computer Science, (s O.Kowalským), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 31 (1986), 275 - 276.
  8. M.Doob: A Gentle Introduction to TeX, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, 1990, (translation into Czech with J.Daneš)
  9. M.Doob: A Gentle Introduction to TeX, (translation into Czech with J.Daneš), CSTUG
  10. W.Rudin: Real and complex analysis, (s  I. Netukou], 3. vydání, Academia, Praha, 2003