Very short introduction to FEniCS ================================= .. image:: fenics_banner.png :align: center :width: 100% :target: * started in 2003, collaboration between University of Chicago and Chalmers University of Technology * 2011 - version 1.0 released * 2012 - `the book `_ with main contribution by 5 institutions (Simula Research Laboratory, University of Cambridge, University of Chicago, Texas Tech University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology) **A. Logg, K.-A. Mardal, G. N. Wells et al. (2012).** *Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method.* Springer, 2012. `Download from Launchpad. `_ * 2015 - version 1.5 released * open source license (GNU LGPL v3), open source developement on `bitbucket `_ * good `support `_ with mailing-list and `Q&A forum `_ FEniCS components ----------------- .. outdated component map .. image:: fenics-map.png :align: center :target: Core components ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **DOLFIN** C++/Python interface of FEniCS, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment). * **UFL** (*Unified Form Language*) is a specific language for declaration of finite element discretizations of variational forms. * **FFC** (*FEniCS Form Compiler*) from UFL code generates C++ code for assembling element tensors. * **Instant** Python module that allows for instant inlining and JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation of C++ code in Python. * **FIAT** (*FInite element Automatic Tabulator*) generates finite elements of arbitrary order on lines, triangles and tetrahedra. * **UFLACS** (*UFL Analyser and Compiler System*) optimizing frontend for FFC. * **mshr** is FEniCS mesh generator. Uses CGAL and Tetgen as backends for generating meshing geometries described by CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry). External libraries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **MPI**, **OpenMP** parallel programming frameworks. * **PETSc** (*Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation*) parallel linear algebra backend. Provides data structeres for holding vectors and matrices and lots of linear and non-linear solvers and preconditioners. * **SLEPc** (*the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations*) extension of PETSc for solution of eigen-problems. * **SCOTCH**, **ParMETIS** mesh partitioning and graph coloring backends. * **VTK**, **HDF5**, **XDMF** visualization and IO backends. .. todo:: Add a review of variational formulation of PDE, finite element method. And now ... ----------- **Task 1.** Start interactive Python session and type in following code. .. code-block:: python >>> from dolfin import * >>> mesh = UnitSquareMesh(16, 16) >>> V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 3) Calling FFC just-in-time (JIT) compiler, this may take some time. We see JIT compilation of finite element code, i.e. C++ code is generated by FFC (FEniCS from compiler) and compiled by C++ compiler. This is done once and will not be done again with different mesh. The result is cached in ``~/.instant``. .. code-block:: python >>> f = Expression("sin(6.0*pi*x[0])*sin(2.0*pi*x[1])") Calling DOLFIN just-in-time (JIT) compiler, this may take some time. This is compiled C++ expression which is evaluated very quickly when evaluated but requires JIT compilation. .. code-block:: python >>> def boundary(x, on_boundary): ... return on_boundary ... >>> bc = DirichletBC(V, 0.0, boundary) The function ``boundary`` defines boundary of the domain and ``bc`` represents Dirichlet boundary condition on space ``V``. .. code-block:: python >>> u = TrialFunction(V) >>> v = TestFunction(V) >>> a = inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx >>> L = f*v*dx This code defines bilinear form ``a`` and linear form ``L`` using UFL (Unified form language). .. code-block:: python >>> u = Function(V) >>> solve(a == L, u, bc) Calling FFC just-in-time (JIT) compiler, this may take some time. Calling FFC just-in-time (JIT) compiler, this may take some time. Solving linear variational problem. Finally we create finite-element function ``u`` on space ``V``. (``TrialFunction`` and ``TestFunction`` were only thought arguments of multi-linear forms - not a real function with its values in memory.) The we ask DOLFIN to assemble linear system for the respective problem and solve it by some linear algebra backend. For the former C++ code to assemble forms ``a`` and ``L`` is again generated by FFC and compiled by C++ compiler. This is again mesh independent so that it won't be done again when refining a mesh. (Note that the solution process can be controlled in a much detailed way.) .. code-block:: python >>> plot(u, interactive=True) .. image:: poisson_0.png :scale: 75 % **Task 2.** Prepare ``.py`` file with the code above and try executing it from shell. Try also running it in parallel using ``mpirun`` command. **Task 3.** Modify boundary condition on :math:`x=0,1` to homogeneous Neumann. **Task 4.** Modify :math:`-\Delta` operator to non-linear :math:`-\mathrm{div} (1+k\,u^2) \nabla` for some large :math:`k`. (Write linear form depending non-linearly on unknown ``Function`` and provide ``F == 0`` instead of ``a == L`` to ``solve`` function. Use ``Constant`` class for ``k`` to avoid form recompilation when changing ``k``.) .. todo:: Integrate convergence example (maybe - already present in Helmholtz task). Add time*error minimization challenge. .. only:: solution Reference solution ------------------ .. literalinclude:: :start-after: # Begin code