O Proceedings of the

Sixth Paseky School


PASEKY (Czech Republic)
September 19 - 26, 1999

Published October 4, 2000


Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics

Josef Malek (Ed)
Jindrich Necas (Ed)
Mirko Rokyta (Ed)

Lecture notes of the sixth international school "Mathematical theory in fluid mechanics", Paseky, Czech Republic, Sept. 19-25, 1999,

Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York
1st Edition   2000     222 pages
ISBN 3-540-67786-0

Recommended Price DM 129,- (Paperback)

Title page

Visit  http://www.springer.de/   for more information and order


This book consists of six survey contributions, focusing on several open problems of theoretical fluid mechanics both for incompressible and compressible fluids. The following topics are studied intensively within the book: global in time qualitative properties of solutions to compressible fluid models; fluid mechanics limits, as compressible-incompressible, kinetic-macroscopic, viscous-inviscid; adaptive Navier-Stokes solver via wavelets; well-posedness of the evolutionary Navier-Stokes equations in 3D; existence theory for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in exterior and aperture domains. All six articles present significant results and provide a better understanding of the problems in areas that enjoy long-lasting attention of researchers dealing with fluid mechanics PDEs. Although the papers have the character of detailed summaries, their central parts contain the newest results achieved by the authors who are experts in the topics they present.

Keywords: Navier-Stokes equations, incompressible and compressible fluid models, solvability, fluid models limit, wavelet solver. MSC (2000): 76xx, 76-06, 35Qxx, 65Mxx, 65Nxx



Marco Cannone      (pp. 1-34)
     Viscous Flows in Besov Spaces

Eduard Feireisl     (pp. 35-66)
     The Dynamical Systems Approach to the Navier-Stokes Equations of Compressible Fluids

Michael Griebel, Frank Koster     (pp. 67-118)
     Adaptive Wavelet Solvers for the Unsteady Incopressible Navier-Stokes Equations

Nader Masmoudi     (pp. 119-158)
     Asymptotic Problems and Compressible-Incompressible Limit

Serguei Nazarov     (pp. 159-191)
     Weighted Spaces with Detached Asymptotics in Application to the Navier-Stokes Equations

Athanasios E Tzavaras     (pp. 192-222)
     On the Mathematical Theory of Fluid Dynamic Limits to Conservation Laws

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