Some Trends in Algebra '01

Prague, September 2-8, 2001


Invited speakers:      Edgar E. Enochs (Lexington)
Alberto Facchini (Padova)
Kent R. Fuller (Iowa City)
Ruediger Goebel (Essen)
Mike Prest (Manchester)
Luigi Salce (Padova)

List of participants.       Abstarcts (ps-file).       Problem session (ps-file).

Conference program.

900915930945 1000101510301045 1100111511301145 1200121512301245 1300131513301345
3.8. Opening Enochs cofee break Jenda Bashir short break Oyonarte Bican Clark
4.8. Facchini cofee break Zemlicka Crivei short break Garkusha Ruzicka Jirasko
5.8. Fuller cofee break Angeleri Gregorio short break Mantese Cuadra Stefanescu
6.8. Goebel cofee break Prest short break Kucera Toffalori
7.8. Salce cofee break Bazzoni Trlifaj short break Kepka Problem session

List of talks

Lidia Angeleri Huegel Tilting theory and the finitistic dimension conjectures
Robert El Bashir On covers and covering morphisms
Silvana Bazzoni Strongly flat covers and almost flat perfect domains
Ladislav Bican Relative exact modules and covers
John Clark On Auslander-Gorenstein rings and excellent extensions
Septimiu Crivei tau-complemented modules versus tau-completely decomposable modules
Juan Cuadra Diaz Comodules from a torsion theoretic point of view
Edgar E. Enochs Foxby equivalence and cotorsion theories
Alberto Facchini Krull-Schmidt Theorem: recent developments
Kent R. Fuller On costar modules and generalizations of Morita duality
Grigory Garkusha Relative homological algebra for the proper class omega_f
Ruediger Goebel Automorphism groups of groups
Enrico Gregorio Topologically tilting modules
Overtoun M.G. Jenda Gorenstein injective modules and Ext
Josef Jirasko A note on the lattice of hereditary preradicals
Tomas Kepka On when semilocal commutative rings are finite
Thomas G. Kucera Explicit deascriptions of the indecomposable injective modules over Jategaonkar's rings
Francesca Mantese Natural dualities
Luis Oyonarte Covers and envelopes in Grothendieck categories
Mike Prest Locally finitely presented categories of modules
Pavel Ruzicka Ideal lattices of dimension groups
Luigi Salce Classical cotorsion theories over domains
Mirela Stefanescu On Lie p-algebras
Carlo Toffalori Decision problems for torsionfree modules over group rings
Jan Trlifaj Local spliters for bounded cotorsion theories
Jan Zemlicka omega_1-generated modules over chain rings

Department of Algebra